Creative Critical Thinking Skill Reviewed by Curiosity on Independent
Learning Assisted by E-Learning


Creative thinking

Independent Learning


According to Nawaddah et al (2015), creative thinking skill is the most basic skill to have by each individual in facing technology challenge.

flexibilities, fluencies, originalities, and elaborations. Those are creative thinking features as stated by Guilford (in Munandar, 2012: 65).

in line with Solehuzain (2017), Dewi & Masrukhan (2018) that creative thinking skill is a basic skill to have in learning mathematics. It covers four main components: fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration.

According to Chau (2010), independent learning is understood as learning which uses interactive process to regulate their own learnings.

According to Bandura in Maliya et al (2018), independent learning is a learning done by purpose to monitor individual behavior and it is human personality independence.

E-learning is a system of educational concept which uses information in teaching - learning process. (Riadi, 2014

According to Ardiansyah (2013) that E-Learning is a learning system used as learning process mean to teach which is promoted without face to face meeting between teacher and students directly.


Mixed method

Qualitative Data

Quantitative data

this research design is sequential explanatory. According to Clark (in Subedi, 2016), sequential explanatory, in its first stage, consists of quantitative data collection and it continued by qualitative data collection.


pre-field stage

On field stage

1- give creative thinking skill test to find out students initial condition

2- students were given curiosity test

3- teacher conducted independent learning assisted by E-Learning by giving online BRSD module in the form of android application

(accompaniment was still carried out both online and face to face)

4- creative thinking skill test was done for all subjects. The data analysis technique covered test and non-test analysis.

The quantitative data was used to find out effectiveness of independent learning assisted by E-Learning toward the students’ mathematics creative thinking skills.

The qualitative data was used to analyze and describe students’ creative thinking skill based on quantitative data. It was obtained from curiosity questionnaire, observation, interview, and documentation

The used questionnaire had purpose to collect data about students’ curiosities which were categorized into high, moderate, and low.

The observation had purpose to obtain information about class condition, attitude, and motivation of students during independent learning process assisted by E Learning.

The interview in this research was used to obtain direct data about creative thinking skills on cubes and bars seen from curiosity.


Independent learning assisted by E-learning was effective toward creative thinking skills since it met several criteria

(1) students’ creative thinking skills reached minimum passing grade 75% classically and reached excellent criteria individually;

(2) students’ creative thinking skills in independent learning assisted by E-Learning was better than the regular learning students

the activity covered finding out and determining problems in learning mathematics at
JHS 1 Bodeh

Then, it was continued by designing and arranging learning and research instruments, such as accompaniment guidance, online module android application containing characters, creative thinking skill test question, questionnaire, and interview guideline

Curiosity categories : low , medium , high

Indicators of creative thinking skills





The final score calculation is in scale 0 - 100. Based on the test, it was obtained highest score of independent learning assisted by E-Learning was 63

it is known that students with high curiosity had various creative thinking patterns. The same thing went to moderate and low curiosity students

It is in line with Istiani (2015), Herayani (2016), Saironi (2017), and Solehuzain (2017) arguing there is positive influence of curiosity to students’ creative thinking skills although it has slight percentage because many factors influencing students’ creative thinking skills.

Based on the findings, it could be described that students’ creative thinking skill patterns reviewed from curiosity showed various results. It proves that curiosity cannot determine creative thinking skill so that independent learning assisted by E-Learning is needed as one of independent learning methods to support creative thinking skill achievements.


Curiosity is eager to know. It is an internal motivation which becomes key to encourage active and exploratory learning spontaneously (Qudeyer, 2016)

Curiosity in this research is seen from four dimensions: epistemic curiosity (EC), perceptual curiosity (PC), exploration, and absorption.

O’kefee (2017) argued that basic interest to create attractiveness of something is curiosity.