















Called: Sunrisers

Ideal: I want to improve myself and others

Notes: heroically portrayed in history as great military captains that give strength to their soldiers

Called: Doomsealers

Ideal: I want those that deserve it to suffer

Note: they care about justice, some people shouldn't progress, and many go too far and enjoy seeing them suffer

Called: Shiftshades

Ideal: I want to form new and beautiful shapes

Note: called shiftshades because fighting them they are experts at adaptation and always shift the environment or their weapon into what is best for each situation, it is like fighting a blur

Called: Runerazer

Ideal: I want to take apart the world to understand it

Note: known today as Razers, from Raze meaning to demolish. Their true purpose has been lost since the group was disbanded and no one sees them as tinkerers and mystery solvers, only as destruction

Called: Dreamstalkers

Ideal: I want to understand the mysteries of life

Note: they see into the dream world where the Marooned One is

Called: Bonespeakers/Sightspinners

Ideal: I want to share my truth and be understood

Note: their truths exist in a convoluted matrix called their nexus, the share from their marrow, it leaves their bones aching afterwards and the receiver dizzy. Because some Bonespeakers use their power to create lies and illusions, they are sometimes called Sightspinners

Called: Soulseekers

Ideal: I want to connect and belong with others

Note: they perceive auras through colors like the Sheershoe in Avatar last airbender and can more easily track targets they are familiar with. This allows them to also protect friends as they are constantly aware of their locations

Called: Flashflares

Ideal: I want to be seen and appreciated

Note: they broadcast their aura which masks other auras from Soulseekers and suggests non-Soulseekers to like them, formed the first major cities as they brought people together, some seek fame or legacy

Called: Foxblades

Ideal: I want to free my mind and the lives of others

Note: called foxblades because they outsmart and outmanuevor people in a fight.

Called: Codemakers

Ideal: I want to limit freedoms of others with wisdom

Note: their power feels to the other person like mindcontrol often creating a blind rage or sense that your current action is the only action you can do

Common Professions: Military leaders, scouts, tutors, coaches, alchemist with doomsealers

Common Professions: Jailers, executioners, torturers, psychopath, alchemist, farmers in hiding, arsons

Common Professions: artists, craftsmen, support for squads

Common Professions: spys, demolitionists, archeologists, detectives, annihilators

Common Professions: prophet, councilor, scholar

Common Professions: educator, storyteller

Common Professions: tracker, search and rescue, bounty hunter

Common Professions: performers, inventors, businesspeople

Common Professions: activism, rebellion, assassin, merchants

Common Professions: lawmakers, tyrants, jailers, lawyers, therapists, politicians, orphanages, parents, military leaders, drill sergeants