Syntactical Devices
pg. 33 We mey never know exactly. Exactly what.
Definition: Repationt of the final word of a sentence or line at the beginning of the next.
pg. 14 Her wedding china was on display. Her sheet music sat on the piano. Her bold handwriting filled the book of recipes.
Definition: The relation of a word or phrase at the beginning of a successive clauses.
pg. 31 Chief Macenzie dew a good deal less than what my father made mnaging the store, and there were few luxines
Definition: A contrast or opposition between two things
pg. 39 Movies You know what. , magazine , computer games. All that stuff you buy at the mall.
Definition: omission of conjunctions that ordinarily join words or clauses.
pg. 15 Always has been you , Always' will be you.
Defantion: repetition after intervening the words.
pg. 7 Had adventures, what agentries?
Definition: the repetition of a word at the end of successive clauses or sentence.
pg. 43 But who would go and take that body. And why didn't chief mackenzie want to do anything about it. And he, will so keep what you saw to yourself.
defantion: using conjunctions in close succession, especially where some would usually be omitted