Syntactical Devices
The repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses.
Repetition of the final words of a sentence or line at the beginning of the next.
The repetition of a word at the end of successive clauses or sentences.
Repetition after intervening words.
A contrast or opposition between two things.
Omission of conjunctions that ordinarily join words or clauses.
Using conjunctions in close succession, especially where some would usually be omitted.
Ex: Must be the liquor Prohibition back in the 1920's your interested in, rum runners and hijackers, fast boats and dark knights.
Had adventures. What adventures?
Ex: Movies, magazines, computer games. All that stuff you buy at the mall.
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Her wedding china was on display, Her sheet music sat on the piano. Her bold handwriting filled the book of recipes.
Ex: Always has been you, always will be you.
Had adventures, what adventures?
Ex; Cheif magazine dew a good deal less than what my father made managing the store, and there were few luxurious.