world without border controls
(advantages and disadvantages)
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Advantages-Fatima maher
Migrants will find it much easier to go to another country with open borders.
An open border allows people from various countries to enter, each with their own lives and traditions. As a result, people would be exposed to a variety of lifestyles and cultures.
Open borders can provide better job options
Open borders lead to more international trade
Open borders can make products cheaper
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Reduces the Cost of Government
Disadvantages-Fatima maher
disatvantages- Rayan
Open borders may lead to excessive migration
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Local overpopulation in certain countries
- Easy Way Out
Cultural values may change over time
2-Illegal Trading
Cultural values may change over time
-Open borders contribute to an increase in crime, which creates a security risk.
Local overpopulation may become a problem
Drains the Economy
3-Problems of Over Population
Creates Security Threats
advantages - Rayan
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Migrants will find it much easier to go to another country with open borders.
-makes it easier for people to get out of poverty.
-open borders make it easier to visit people who live in neighboring countries.
Muhannad Bucheeri
mohammed disadvantages
The disadvantage of open borders is that highly qualified individuals may flee a country. Indeed, if people in poor developing countries have a high level of education, they will frequently try to find work in the wealthy Western world in order to improve their overall quality of life.