PORTUGAL: They installed their trade in Brazil. At the same time, they
enslaved thousands of Indians.
ENGLAND: They established 13 colonies in North America. Among those
colonies were Massachusetts, Virginia, Carolina, Kentucky, and Tennessee Alabama. Also, they took over some archipelagos such as Bahamas,
Caiman, Virgins, and Islands (Montserrat, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago and Part of Guayana).
FRANCE: They controlled the Middle East beginning with Canada until
Louisiana. In the West, they colonized Saith Domingue and Guyana both know today as Haiti and Guyana Francesa respectively. Thousands of
African slaves were brought to produce sugar, cotton, cocoa, and tobacco
HOLLAND: They established their colonization in the Lesser Antilles
(Curazao), and a Brazilian zone known as Recife. Although they were expelled from those places in 1654, they remain in the part of Guyana’s
(Surinam). Many slaves worked and produced tropical products to Holland.