The Coalition Government of Cameron + Clegg / The First Year of the 2nd Cameron Premiership / The Brexit Years
- 2010-2015 :The Coalition Gov of C+C
2015-06/16 Cameron's surprise second mandate
Brexit Years 2016-2020
Coalition agreement?
"for stability and reform"
covered how policy would be commissioned + agreed
How appointments would be made
how the principles of collective responsibility would be carried out
Nick Clegg
Deputy PM
responsibility for delivering the commitments on constitutional reform
The LIB-DEM held none of the major spending departments
18 Cons
5 Lib Dem in Cabinet
59 Cons // 12 L-D junior ministers
Differences of positions
prevented implementation of boundary changes
May 2011
referendum on reform of electoral system
Separate statements on proposals to implement the Leveson report into regulation of the media
Proposals for a referendum on UK's continued membership of the EU
March 2015
Financial Secretary to the Treasury
"alternative economic plan"
Austerity Programme
Comprehensive spending review
deep budget cuts
pub sector job losses
pay freezes
tax rises
strong opposition
funding cuts to higher education + rise in the cap of univT tuition fees
Clegg + L-D
break pre-election pledge
Social DiffT
++ Unemployment
August 2011
Riots + looting in LDN + o/ large cities
Health, social, welfare reforms
Health + Social Care Act
modernising NHS
putting clinicians at the centre commissioning
allowing providers to innovate + empowering patients
Welfare Reform Act
by 2013 considerable changes benefits initiated
Child benefit became means tested
Personal Independence Payment (PIP) introduced
Universal credit started in pilot areas of the UK
Bedroom Tax (under occupancy penalties)
++ State pension age
Work on a Welfare reform + Work Bill
became an act in 2016
2 other important reforms
2011 Sovereign Support Grant
replaced civil list
same sex marriage
Constitutional q° ? Role of the L-D?
referendum on the reform of the electoral system in May 2011
Rejection of the AV system
Yes 32%
NO 68%
Consequences for L-D?
Fixed term Parliaments Act
HoL Reform Bill abandoned
Electoral boundary changes abandoned
Succession to the Crown Act stopped primogeniture
referendum on scotland
Nicola Sturgeon replaces Salmond
44% yes// 55% NO
The European Pbm
2013 Bloomberg speech
announce referendum in 2017 if still in pow
divisions over immig° limits
Romania + Bulgaria
European elections
big wins for UKIP + 2 conservative party defections to UKIP
founded in 1993
The other difficT
News of the world closes after phone hacking scandal
Levenson Report
culture, practice + ethics of the press 2012
The G.E of 2015?
The Labour Party?
Before Brexit?
The Northern Powerhouse Partnership
Continued withdrawal from the Welfare State
Chancellor announces introduction of National Living wage
Welfare reform Act 2016 passed
23/06/16 Brexit
Referendum q°
Should the UK remain a member of the EU or leave the EU?
NO 51% //YES 48%
A. July 2016-June 2017 Theresa May's rise
B. June 2017-July 2019 Theresa May's decline and fall
C. July 2019- 13 DEC 2019 Boris + Brexit
July 2016
Theresa May becomes leader of Cons party
odd circumstances
only one standing
13th First speech as PM
fight "burning injustices" that hold people back
"country that works for everyone"
But Brexit will dominate her 3 years in pow
has 2 years to accomplish Brexit
Cut ties w key figures from previous gov
B. Johnson appointed Foreign Secretary
Party Conf OCT 2016
came under pressure to say when she would trigger article 50
29 March 2017
JAN 18 2017 Lancaster Speech
set out the plan for Britain + 12 priorities to negotiate Brexit
G.E of June 2017?
Lost allies, surrounded by enemies
totally undermined, out of touch
March-June 2017
4 terrorists attacks
LDN + Manchester
signed MAY 2010
Should have been B. Johnson + M. Gove but had a fight
O/ candidate = interview mistake
proof she would do what country wanted
New Department in charge exit EU
challenged in court by civilian
Gina Miller
Parliamentary democ
MPS should decide right moment for article 50
T.May unsure what she wanted
Hard or soft Brexit?
played in favor EU
won Court case
Hard Brexit
Single Market
Free Union
"No deal for Britain is better than a bad deal for Britain"
"the new Iron Lady"
restricted arena for negotiation wn Article 50 procedures
March 2017
Triggered article 50
2 years to negotiate divorce (cost)
but not yet terms of the deal
negotiator Michel Barnier
May desperately trying to find a plan
Big mistake
catastrophic manifesto
had to back track
wanted to make elders pay more for care // Old = voters of Cons Part
no majt for cons
had to negotiate with DUP
Harsh cons from N.Id
22 March
22 May
3 June
LDN Bridge
19 June
Finsbury Park
36ppl D / 200 injured
"enough is enough"
"defeating this ideology is one of the great challenges of our time"
14 June 2017
Grenfell Tower fire
72 PPL D
T. May did not meet survivors
Corbyn did
Sept 2017
Florence Speech
Weak PM
went back on Lancaster Speech
Soft + Hard Brexit
UK close to EU but free
"europe à la carte" again
Atrocious consequences
OCT 2017
Party conference
decor falling off
important find a compromise for northern ireland
no hard border btwn northern ireland and repu of ireland
"the backstop"
David Davis warned would not work
Cabinet agreed
JULY 2018
meeting at Chequers
present vision for brexit
soft brexit
several resignations
David Davis, Steve baker, Boris Johnson
"180 degree pivot"
Oct 2018
Party Conference
ABBA Dancing queen
December Brussels Summit
EU x understand what Britain wanted
How to get agreement voted in parliament
antiquated procedure to get ministers to produce documents
show impact of Brexit depending on deal
Chequers plan
-2.5% growth
No deal
Divorce deal voted by 432 to 202
worst defeat in modern British History
x allowed to resign
calls vote of no confidence
May survives
Withdrawal agreement bill
defeated 3 times in parliament
appeal to lab part
no success
MAY 21 2019
last roll of dice
promised a new deal
immediately rejected
MAY 24 announces she will quit
During her 3 years
Chilcot report
Iraq war + Tony Blair
+++ Univt tuition fees cap
over 9000£
students grants crapped
challenged + re-elected leader of his party
stronger majt in 2016
23 JULY 2019
Jeremy Hunt // B. Johnson
Deliver Brexit, Unite the country, Defeat Jeremy Corbyn, Energize the country
lucky to have parliamentary holidays to get ready
August 28
requested Q to prorogue Parliament
Parliament return date
Oct 14
time to prepare a deal
Brexit deadline end of the year
Gina Miller returned
took gov in court
prorogation illegal
Opponents to no deal Brexit + members of opposition + 21 rebellious Cons MPS
vote in favour of allowing HoC to take ctrl of legislative body agenda
328-301 vote
Defeat Johnson
expelled 21 voters from Cons PARTY
HoC forced Johnson to delay Brexit
until 31/01/2020
if by 19th OCT
x submitted a deal for Parliament's approval
renegotiated agreement w EU
Similar plan to Chequers' but
backstop plan replaced
N.Id aligned w EU for at least 4y
extension of deadline
No deal brxit off table
Lab Party agreed G.E
DEC 12
G.E "Get Brexit Done"
best result for Cons since 1987 : 365 seats
No free movement
point based immigration system w EU
no big annual payments towards EU budgets
Business trading w EU lot more paperwork
Johnson's One Nation conservatism
// Cameron + May
based on finding solution to reduce gap poor rich
traditional values
// Corbyn
refused N.LABOUR
Johnson profited it
April 2020
Sir Keir Starmer
Sir Ed Davey Aug 2020
From 1918 to 2018
Huge transformations
Eco decline
US Leaderhsip
Indus/ Diplomatic decline
Empire == Commonwealth
Post 1945 rebirth
Welfare State
new pact citizen- state
Collectivism// Liberalism
Reorganisation of politics
++ Lab
Further democ + end of class based politics?
Britain's role in the world
from isolation to interdependence
"special relationship" unbalanced
Britain in Eur
reluctant partner
Future of the Union?
Scot + Irleand?