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Fairytale - Coggle Diagram
Feminist FT
FT benefited from feminist rewritings
Gender issues have been central
Women's voices always present in FT even if have been submerged
'Civilising process' of Eu and North A supported by FTs
'Society of the Spactacle' (Debord, 7) - focus on illusory images
Social relations between people mediated by images
FT to address society's lackings (8)
Feminist FT aimed to show nobody lives happily ever after (9)
More FT's because more cultural battles over dominance in social & political fields
Need resistance to rules of the gay and showing that game is tilted against
Queer 2 - Duggan
Demy uses FT to distance from social norms
'en-chante' - enchanted & in song
Tiffin (3) - cinema is like FT bc illusion
Takes hetero utopias & brings out issues (4)
Aware that kids stories have adult themes (CHILDREN'S LIT LECTURE)
Batchelor - colour not appreciated in West bc feminine & other (5)
'Queer enchantments'
Destabalise binaries of gender and sexuality (7)
Doty - queer is contra- (7)
** (10)
More work needed on FT in film &
queer in FT
Evolution of culture
Enchanted Screen
Familiar leads us to unfamiliar (2)
Uncanny only exists where there is canny - so fairy tales are not uncanny (set entirely in AU)
But reading/watching is uncanny experience (?)
The true genesis is not at the beginning but at the end (3)
Paradox bc writer (Bloch) still assumed male as default - resists march to quality/utopia
Home = move forward to utopia (setting that ends FTs)
Evolution of Culture
FT adapts to changing environment - [does it also reinforce?]
Production of fixed texts = telling and reading
screen is FT refusing to be fixed
new technology 'make[s] its diffusion easier and more effective'
Pg 5 - fairy tales literary trad starts w loads of powerful fmeale fairies
commenting of 'outsider' experience & patriarchy
'thought to be.a female genre'
Reinterpretatons to fit time for education - d'A did and now us (15)
1970s/80s women writers identify w fairies and witches again
Theme of transformation
Disney's attempt to comercialise & homoginise fairies
Mixing It Up (gender ideology)
Modern adaptations like to raise questions about FT realisms/ bring out new realism (Kimmy??)
Realism to reach older audiences
live action??
Texts USE genre (not part of) - (43)
Enchanted versus Kimmy Schmidt - enchanting naive or dangerous? (from sophie)
Both have things stolen, both in NYC and red-heads
Enchanted - villain is still a woman
Cheerfull hosuework --> torture in K
But Kimmy does marry a prince? But he's weird af and audience can join in -- but not in TV show
Redeem 'evil' stepmother, sympathise w witchy old woman, draw out dark bits in K
Main men are gay
Maid, mother, crone - all toxic
Enchanted naturalises fantasy
Comedy but reinforces - unlike KS dark comedy - present it as alternative Enchanted?
Disney cinematic monopoly (46) - what about TV tho
Shrek challenged tropes then kind of reinforces altho ogres and topple monopolistic villain who controls FTs
Challenges narcissistic disney prince but still magical romance and he does save her from her parents??
Fiona and women in 3 kinda badass tho - she beats up Robin Hood
Parody to celebrate - Kimmy does more
Ridicule to allow to reinforce seriously (heteroromantic fantasy)
Lindsay - Grimm
d'Aulnoy coined 'fairy tale' ibn 1687 (1)
Scholars think oral trad influenced FTs (1)
Grimm tales bled into Disney
Adaptations = of time (2)
Schwabe - fairy tales = magic realism
SW & Huntsman
Science to explain but a bit of magic for wonder
Ground in science-led culture
Forest still opposite of society
Lack of study on FT films
Oral trad --> 16th/17c FT
Film can enrich FT trad
Melies made FT films to comment on FT (3)
Disney from start brought out weird bits of FT (4) --> then went back to originals with SW :(
Disney structure became 'classical'
Idead that Disney will be toppled (5) - but they have been reassessing in last 10 years
FT rewritten = possibility of rewriting ourselves
Link Butler - the performed can be UN[erfprmed or performed differently
Z argues D sells security - is that still true?
Enchanted, Shrek, Maleficent
Koven (review)
Sayer (3)
Disney created canonicity
Tucker (5)
Children repeat & revise fave shows/films (Grider)
Jackson (13)
Folklore of audiences - fandom
Films as social events
Bullen & Sawyers (transnational)
National identity vs international interconnectivity
TV is increasingly transnational
Supports transcultural democracy and cultural hybridity
But Western tech & trads?
Arjun Appadurai (space of global flows) pg 6
Greenhill (Snow Queen)
Jo Radner - queer coding in fairytales bc taboo
Only those in queer culture would perceive
Male directors bring forward hetero and push back homosexual (but not homosocial)
Gerda one of only Anderson girls not corrupted (Zipes)
3 woman archetypes; 1 man (p 5)
Lesbian Little Robber Girl?
depicted as masc / linked to Kai (13)
always loses G to K
Munt - butch/femme is patriarchal dichotomy resembling heterosexuality
lesbian images use this dichotomy for G and R
Teverson - R not punished for agency (rare)
Character linking by using same actor (biography & stories)
Queer coding but hetero alibis
Greenhill (Team Snow Queen)
Adaptations further from text
K/G melding
Haase - single-authored texts =/= fairy tales (oral trad)
7 types adaptation (3)
Mulvey - women bearers not makers (4)
Wanting to be SQ (5)
'feminist auteur' (5)
Hartzell - children's films (6)
R as masc & femme (7)
Robber QUEEN (8)
Pg 10 - Fairytales often about girls
Female driven not female positive - E wants to change this
Pg 13 - fairytales show women suffering and breaking -> revisions
Pg 13 - Lesbian relationship in BB (SQ x sleeping b)
Consent insterted - SQ in control, SB power in sleep
Women make nuanced SQ and G the centre - also more homo
Kind snow queen in 190s faerie tale adventure
lesbian love in OUAT
Queer 3: Curatolo
Happily ever after reinforces heteronormalcy
Queer temporality = no 'happily ever after' end
HEA = socialising children into heteronormalcy
Feminist techniques
Writing beyond ending
Gothic nnarrative
Cahill - Spectacle of Femininity
FT & real world learn from each other - but FT heroine wins over the 'important women' of the book - critique of career women?
'important women' and nancy tied to cynacism and lack of love - nancy is also older
Current fear around regulating ageing female body (2)
Link between FT & teaching obedient gendered behaviour
FT potent space to reassess (2)
Conflict between FT's patriarchal impulses & subversive potential
Stardust and TBG
Old evil women versus young heroines
Beauty tied w power for villains
Must be replaced by youthful beauty and passivity
Both fracture female gaze