: Failed to load config "next/babel" to extend from.

Load config


Extend from

here : D:\Workspace\Portfolio\strapi-cms\frontend.eslintrc

next/babel which includes everything needed to compile React applications and server-side code.

To compile, you need a compiler, which is a software program that converts high level programming language code into machine code.

Does JavaScript have a compiler?

No. JS is an interpreted language, so it usually does not have a compiler. JS is interpreted by the browsers which have their own 'JavaScript Engines'.

An interpreted language is a programming language which are generally interpreted, without compiling a program into machine instructions

interpreter is a computer program that directly executes instructions written in a programming or scripting language, without requiring them previously to have been compiled into a machine language program.

Next is using Babel to compile

React and server-side code

Config is short of configuration


The configuration of a computer system is the way in which all its parts, such as the hardware and software, are connected together in order for the computer to work.

Configuration meaning.

to put together (a computer or computer system) by supplying, arranging, or connecting a specific set of internal or external components: My next laptop will be configured for gaming with a fast processor and lots of memory.

A configuration is the way a system is set up, or the assortment of components that make up the system. Configuration can refer to hardware, software, or a combination of both. For instance, a typical configuration for a laptop PC consists of 8GB or 16GB (gigabytes) main memory, multiple USB ports, a hard disk or solid-state drive (SSD), a wireless card, and an operating system.

Referenced from: D:\Workspace\Portfolio\strapi-cms\frontend.eslintrc

file.eslintrc.js is a configuration file for a tool named ESLINT

ESLint is a static code analysis tool for identifying problematic patterns found in JavaScript code.

ESLint is a tool for identifying and reporting on patterns found in ECMAScript/JavaScript code, with the goal of making code more consistent and avoiding bugs.

eslint is the dominant tool for linting Node.js packages

Linting is a process by a linter program that analyzes source code in a particular programming language and flag potential problems like syntax

Source code is the list of human-readable instructions that a programmer writes—often in a word processing program—when he is developing a program.

To copy a program from a storage drive or the network into RAM for execution.

execution: running.

the process of making a computer use a program or carry out an instruction

Configuration is the manner in which components are arranged to make up the computer system. Configuration consists of both hardware and software components

Software components are parts of a system or application.

extend from (something) :

To stretch from one thing or place to another; to affect multiple things or areas.

enlint could not config from the .eslintrc we made




ConfigArrayFactory._loadExtends (function)


loadExtendedShareableConfig(extendName, ctx)

request = naming.normalizePackageName(extendName, eslint-config)


watch the code

If extendName.startwith eslint:

return this._loadExtendedBuiltInConfig(extendName, ctx);

Referenced from: D:\Workspace\Portfolio\strapi-cms\frontend.eslintrc


The loading context.

var nr age = 123

: Source code



: object file

You don't need to extend "next/babel" on your eslintConfig of you packages.json.