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history USA
during the 1920s the kkk grew in importance and power before rapidly dying away by the end of the decade
what was the kkk?
the klan divide dthe usa into 8 domainds each under a grand goblin - the regions were then divided into realms under the control of a grand dragon - the national leader of the kk was called the imperial wizard
in 1921 the membership of the kkk had reached 100j nenvers wilst mostky centralised in poorer rural comminites recent scholarship was suggested that agrowing number of muddke class americans were joining the klan. by 1925 at the height of its power, klan memversgip had reached 5 million
the key figure in refounding the kk was doc simmons a former methodists preacher from atlanta georgia - the foundation ceremony involved a cross burning and a pledge taken by members to save a white christian society
two leards of the kkk edgar clark and elizabeth tyker were oro fundrasiers and publicity agents, they incorporated modern busiensses and salesmanship yechniques to raise money for the organisation
the klan raised niney by making and selling the robes needed for klan activities itself - teh robes cost $3.28 to make and sold for $6.50- all printed materil was published at a vast profit by the klan owned searchlight publishing company
new recruits to the klan were charged $10 signing up feee - most of this went to the local klan officials whilsy members were incentivised to recruit others to teh organisation via a comission paid out for each person they recruited
most members of the kkk were from rural communities whi were afraid of changees they neither understood or had control over - they belieed that the whites of nordic stock had brought civikisation to the world but were under threat from elsser races
the klan was not only opposed to african americans but also jews catholics and foreigners, it attacked new ideas such as evolution aor working on the sabbath - it also opposed borrowing from non wasp cultures such as jazz music
the first kkk had emerged in america following the vicik war - it predominantly targeted african americans who they viewed as being subhuman. many who joined were resentuful at the end of slabery - its reenergence un the usa after 1915 was inspired by the movie birth of a nation as well as increased fear of foreigners following ww1
prohibtion illustrates well the contradictions in american society and politics durinh yhis period - supported by those who looked to the givernement for moral regulation - leading teh way to ensure people lived clean wholesome libes - it involved the givernmemy interfering in private life to an unprecedentened degree
the 18th ammendment
volstead act
the seperate volstead acy definined intoxicating liqour as any drink contaiining moer than half a percent of alcohol - responsibility for enforcememnt was given the treasury - teh first prohibition comissioner charged with implemting the laws was john f kramer
impact of the war
the first world war gave several boosts to prohibtion - grain used in the production of alcohol was needed for food as a result many people felt it patriotic to do withouy alcholol,
in 1917 the lever act banned the use of grian in the manufacture of alcoholic drinks
many of the largest brewers such as rupert pabst and leiver were of german origin , their businesses had hlped yo finance the nationak german american alliance that had supporyed german interests befie the war, during the war anti german feeling led many not to buy alcohol from these companies
many people believed that restrained behavior in which people did not drink alcohol would be part of the brave new world created after the ewar, it felt that alcohol led young soldiers who were away from their home for the furst time into temptation nd sinful ways so it was bets to remove ut from their grasp
ebd of prohibtion
in 1928 the democratic president candudate al smith advocated the abolition of prohibtion - this was an abiut turn becayse he had prev cdriticised the republican gov for not enforcing it enough. smith admitted to have being served alcohol himself. he also appointedas national chairman of the democratic party john j raskob who was leader of the association against the prohibtion ammendment
the proposal to abolish prohibtion was too much for many of that of the denicaratic supporters of prohibtion from rural areas. it had the eggect of splitting the patyu and helped smith lose the 1928 election - it shiwed tensions within a oartyy that was na alliance of urban working classes, different ethnic groups and conservative forces from rural america partic in the south
pres hoover set up the wickersham organisation to investigate prohibtion
the reds under our beds
The Communist Russian Revolution of 1917 terrified Americans. Communism went against many of the values of the “American Dream”. Americans associated Communism with immigrants from Eastern Europe, heightening fear and suspicion of them in the USA.
after the first world war , high inflatiion - in 1920 prices doubled since 1913 0 caused industrial unrest, it was estimated that during 1919 4million workers went on strujw, this was one in 5 of the laboue force many people thought that strikers lead by commjunists whoi sought rev ib the usa in the same way that it had been achieved in the ussr
fears grew as generla strike btiught the city of seattle to a halt and in boston the policemen were striking. in addition 340k steel workers went on strike. the steel workers leader william z foster was believed to be a communist
recent immigrants from astern and soutehrn eyrope came in particular to be identified with communism and attemots to overthrow the american system of government. there were in addition various assination attempts on high profile Americans such as joihn d rockfeller
in the period following first world war and in the wake of the russian rev9lytinthere was a red scare which saw 6000 arrests - these were known as the palmer raids - named after the attorney general mitchell palmer, himself an intended target for assasination . pamer had become bery popular through his exposure of communist activity in the usa - he hoped he could use this as a springboard for democratic nomination for the presidency in 1920
in august 1919 palmer had created the general intelligence division to investigate revolutionary activities
under its head. j edgar hoover, yjis became the forerunner of the fbi and mitchell relied heavily on it for information on hus rargets
however most of those iy detained had to be released within a few days due to a complete lack of evidence against them - the pamer raids of january 1920 netted no more than three pistols while mosy of the 6000 arrested were long standing us citzens of impeccable respectability
palmer annoucned there was to be a huge communist demonstarion in new york on 20 may 1820 when this failed to materialise he looked ridiculous and the red scare died away along with his hopes of presidency
textbookextract 3 notes
immigrants were increasingky kunked with violent left wung polityics - in the cities there was also a worrying devekooment as some of the labour unions began to ally themselves with raducak griuos and y the end of the 1920 a series of strikes had involved over 4 million workers. partic disturbing was apolicestrike in boston - this led to a feeling that communist agitators were at wirk - there was a growing fear of anaechy and developing paranoia about a widespread plot to subvert the usa
the first world war had heightened nationalism and suspicison of foreignefrs and the russian rev poiny to international conspuracy for left wing activists determined to iverrgriw caputalism
16 bombs found in the new tork post office to be delievered to the enemies of the revolution and a further 18 discovered elsewhere
in 1919 a bomber blew himself up on the steps of the home of teh attorney general mitchell pamer bomber was an italian arachist member of the radical movement inspired by gelliani an italian american . bombing lead to the establishmeny of the new devision of the department of justice dedicated to investiugating and compiling lists of radicals
sacco and vanzetti
tei italian immigrants neither of whom spoke english well. when they were attesyed accised of cattiomh put an armed robery near biston in may 1920 they were foudn to be carrying guns. they also claimed to be anarchists. although there was little concrete evidence against them sacco and vanzetti were found guilty and executed in 1927 after years of lgeal appeals.
the case shocked many kuveraks un the cities such as the humourist dorothy parker who had vigorously protested the innocence of the two - even thiugh simeone else had confessed to the crime of which they were being found they were still found gulty .. there were widespread protests in cities throughout the ysa at their execution
the conduct of the trial in 1921 aroused considerable disquiet which extended outside the united states - the evudence presented at the trial was iften dubious and the conduct if the trial judge webster thater was criticised, he was an experienced jjudge however his conduct of both the trial and the later appeal were open to criticism
he is reputed to have said " i want to see anarchists bastards hung"
judge thayer may have acted ouyt of a genuine commityment to what he felt to be in the public interest but on this occasion iy led ro a lack of strict judicial impartiality
harlem and greenwood
the harlem renneicanse was sucessful in that it brought the black ecperience clearly within the corpus of american cultural hisyoru. not only through an explosion of american culyure but on a sociological level, the legacy of the harlem reneissance redefined america and how the world viewed african americans. the migration of southern blacks to the north changed the image of the african americans from rural uneducated peasents to one of urban sophistication, this new identity led to a greater social concieouncess and african americans became players on the world stage. expanding intellectual and social contracys internationally