Carbohydrates are used for fast energy
Examples of carbohydrate foods are:
Carbohydrates are made up of cho.
C - carbon H - hydrogen O - oxygen
Monomer of Carbohydrates are Monosaccharide
Lipids are stored energy and make cell membranes
Examples of of Lipid foods are:
Monomer of lipids are fatty acids and glycerol
Lipids are made up of Cho
C - carbon H - hydrogen O - oxygen
Proteins help with muscle development and help build the immune system.
The monomer of proteins are amino acids
Examples of protein foods are;
Proteins are made up of Chon
C - carbon H - hydrogen O - oxygen N - nitrogen
Nucleic acids
Nucleic acids store genetic information
Examples of protein foods are:
The monomer of nucleic acids are nucleotides
Proteins are made up of Chonp
C - carbon H - hydrogen O - oxygen N - nitrogen P - phosphorous