Inductive Bible Study: Application





"Socks and Hamper Rule": Applications must be specific, concrete, measurable, and accountable

Determine the original applications intended by the passage.

Evaluate the level of specificity of those applications.

Are they transferable
across time and space to other audiences?

Know Yourself - be teachable and humble

Approach the text with an attitude of dependence towards God

Climb the abstraction ladder

Is it an arrow (what will happen ultimately) or a foundational stone (something not repeated)

Find appropriate applications that embody the broader principles.

My relationship with God, self, others, and Satan

Meditate (memorize and write the text)

Be Specific

Be prayerful

Set appropriate goals and actions (How do I apply this?)

Evaluate progress

Establish accountability

Mistaking interpretation for application

Procrastination (leads to frustration)

Trying to achieve instant results

Only applying in the area of behavior

Determine if text is specific direct or general indirect application?



Identify one or more broader cross-cultural principles that the specific elements of the text reflect.

Preserving original content while validating context

Keep the text accurate and measurable


"How will I know I'm finished?"

Goal: to be a doer, not just a hearer