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Helpful Tips - Coggle Diagram
Helpful Tips
Substance abuse
cocaine treatments
Treatment for narcolepsy: combo of behavioral strageties and meds. good sleep habits, day time naps, staying active. meds improve alertness. reduces cataplexy; MODAFINIL ARMODAFINIL - antidepressant. Sodium Oxybate used for people who don't respond to other treatment. take at bedtime.
Medication for ADHD
what areas of brain: caudate nucleus putamen nucleus accumbenns, amygdala, hippocampus. these are all smaller with adhd. they have hypoactive frontoparietal. been linked to DA NE serotonian.
cbt, movitvational, contengcy management and other indiv psychosocial interventtions, 12 steps, group, martial. combined treatments are most effective. vaulcher based VBRT AND CBT is an effective treatement. NDRI bupropion modafinal and long active affedimine . VBRT good in beginning. CBT bad at beginning but good in the long run.
depends on the age. preschool - parent and teacher behavioral interventions. meds only when behavioral interventions were inadaquet. (type METHYLPHENIADATE) ELEm SCHOOL combo of behavioral and meds. Adolecents - just meds
Most common cause dyslexia
most common type, disphonic.
Positive/Negative Influences for Parents
Persuasion Factors in regards to credibility
Communicators are more persuasive when they’re attractive, likable, and credible: communicator’s expertise and trustworthiness
Message factors: message discrepancy; presentation order and timing, and fear arrousal ( moderate)
Primacy effect; \: the two sides are presented back to back and period of time passes before the attitudes are assessed. Recency effect: time passes between the presentations and the attitude are assessed after the second.
Recipient factors: self esteem, intelligence and age. Moderate self esteem is most susceptible to influence; higher levels of susceptiblity associated with lower levels of intelligence. Age has produced no consistent results. Middle age adults, less easily persuaded.
What helps/prevents groupthink?
the risk for groupthink is increased when the group has a strong directive leader, is isolated from outside opinions, and must make an important decision quickly
avoiding it: Symptoms include illusions of invulnerability and superior morality, use of collective rationalization, excessive stereotyping, self-censorship, and the presence of self-appointed “mindguards” who shield group members from contradictory information.
Group leaders can reduce the risk for groupthink by remaining neutral in the beginning of a discussion, encouraging members to express their opinions, appointing a member to play devil’s advocate, and bringing in outside opinions.
Anchoring/Adjustment Heuristics
Elaboration liklihood model
central route
focused on logic and reasoning
works best if
i'm going to think hard about the decision
peripheral route
don't feel like thinking to hard, i'll base my decision off of apparent credibiilty, good looks, etc.
Representative Bias, Fundamental Attribution, Illusory control/correlation
Representative: racism - sterotype Availabity: annedotale 1 example out of many doesn't make it true. Base Rate: probilbilty of it being true. Illusory correlation: when we over estimate a relationship when they are not related. Illusory control is supersitious. Fundamental attribution: SAFUG
can't see, spit, shit
Sexual dysfunction
Hypertensive Crisis
Bradly's Working Model
Central Executive drives...
visual spatial sketchpad
phonological loop
episodic buffer links short term and longterm memory
Antipsychotics, 1st v 2nd
helps antipsychotic work for those whom antipsychotics aren't working for
Know difference akinesia and apraxia
can't contol movement (think tremors, shaking)
can't perform learned movements on command. "comb your hair"
inability to perceive movement
inability feel muscles
restlessness resulting from antipsychotics/antidepressents
Treatment Outcomes for Adolescents who received therapy after one session
what are the outcoes
Deindividuation: the loss of a person’s sense of individuality and the reduction of normal constraints against deviant behavior
Heterosexism: the ideological system that denies, denigrates, and stigmatizes any nonheterosexual form of behavior, identity, relationship, or community
Prediction of Divorce vs Long Lasting Marriage
emotionally vilotile; early divorce. these people have conflicts that include: critisism, contempt defensiveness, stonewalling. CONTEMPT IS THE SINGLE MOST PREDICTIVE SIGN OF DIVORCE. Emotional inexpressive pattern avoidness of patterns, later in marriage. These people avoid self disclosuree
The socialdemographic factors that increases the risk of divorce; age at the time of marriage; lower socialeconomic; couples that had a child before marriage; previously married, psychopathology, and certain personality traits - 1 or more psych disorders, neuroticism.
Minor needs hospitalization, no parent
Expert witness vs fact witness
A fact witness is called upon only to verify facts pertinent to the case. Expert witnesses, on the other hand, maybe asked to tell the court what their expertise leads them to believe in the case at hand
Ethics for treating population you don't know well
When to use bar graph
Used to compare things between different groups, or to track changes over time. Covey relational information quickly; as the bars display the quanity for a particular category.
Forced Distribution
Computer Adaptive Test
when to use it
Adaptive testing or computer-adaptive testing (CAT) is a method for administering tests that dynamically adapts to the examinee's performance level, varying the difficulty of presented items according to the examinees previous answers. For this reason, it has also been called tailored testing.
Subtests for WAIS/WISC
VCI, involves vocab, similarity, info, comprehension. PRI - block design, matrix reasoning, visual puzzles, figure weights and pic completion. WMI - digit span, math, letter number sequence. PSI - simple search, coding, cancellation.
Weber's Law
What this means is that the perceived change in stimuli is proportional to the initial stimuli.
Kids in Divorce
boys more negative than girls.
preschool children, typically have the negative outcomes in the short run, however in the long run older children may have more issues after the divorce.
1 step v 2 step
1 step parent vs 2 step parents
1 tend to have worst outcomes. 1 step parent with kids from bio = better than blended family. Girls with step fathers avoid and are hostile ,increase risk of academic and behavioral problems. Boys with step dad benefit in academic and achievement. Girls with step mom have more problems view step mom as threats, boys view step moms as additonal support. -9-15 most problems.
how do they respond.