الاكني فالجارز

ما هو علاج الحالات ال simple ❤

صابون -----

Topical AB-------

keratolytic creams as ------ and ------

ايه شروطه ----


ما هي الحالات ال moderate

ايه ال تبدأه قبل الكريمات ؟؟

زي ايه ---- وايه --

وما هي جرعتهما وما هي شروطهما

ما هي الحالات ال severe

ايه العلاج المناسب ليها

ايه اهم شيء تتاكد منه في البنت واهم اسئله ---

ايه اهم two tumours اللي ممكن يعملوها

ماهي احتياطات استخدام topical and systemic tretinion

what are the follow up drugs


*Avoid hot, greasy and tobbacco smoke environmen

Do not to squeeze blackheads, not to prop hands on or rub the face, to wash hair daily and keep it off the face**

*Wash his face gently (do not scrub) with mild soap twice daily



Acne conglobata is the most severe form of acne vulgaris manifested by abscesses, draining sinuses, fistulated comedones and atrophic scars

Acne fulminans is acute, febrile, ulcerative acne, characterized by the sudden appearance of confluent abscesses leading to hemorrhagic necrosis

Pyoderma faciale (also called rosacea fulminans) occurs suddenly on the midface of young women. It may be analogous to acne fulminans


topical at night only
systemic causes teratogenic

supra renal and testicular


period علشان polycystic syndrom

ممنوع في الحمل والرضاعه والاطفال
