Bismarck's Diplomacy towards France
France was key to Bismarck's diplomay
During the Austro-Prussian War, France remained neutral
Relations between France and Prussia deteriorated after the Austro-Prussian War
Napoleon III did not expect the speed of the Prussian victory in 1866
This meant that France had no opportunity to mediate and influence the crisis (was weak and thought this was his chance at revival)
Napoleon III faced public pressure to gain compensation for enduring this powerful neighbor on his eastern border
The balance of power in central Europe had been shifted without French input
The Luxembourg Crisis, 1867
Bismarck turned down Napoleon III's attempt to acquire part of Rhineland
Luxembourg was a small state bordering France - ruled by the King of Netherlands
Some of the population spoke German and Prussian garrisons were stationed there
When Napoleon III offered to buy Luxembourg due to a financial crisis, German nationalist feelings arose
Napoleon expected Prussian approval before proceeding
Bismarck further spurred the opposition in Germany which sabotaged the deal betw. France and Netherlands
A conference was held in London in May 1867 where Luxembourg was declared a neutral state
The Prussian garrison was withdrawn - France did not get any 'compensation' in Luxembourg
It was unlikely that Bismarck was trying to start a war at this stage
It was a provocative move towards Napoleon III
Caused the south German states to oppose France and matters in Europe unraveled in Bismarck's favor