The autonomy of the client implies an obligation on the part of the social worker "to provide the positive means, i.e. give full information and viable alternatives from which to choose, and negative means, i.e. refrain from duly influencing or coercing" (Abramson, M. (1985). The autonomy-paternalism dilemma in social work practice. Social Casework, 66 (7), 385-393)
i couldnt communicate with my grandma as she would get distressed about any talks about the future and only wished for a children to look after her so I felt there was no room for discussion
This report suggests that it was my duty to transparently communicate with her. However although i was almost like a social worker, i was also her grandchild and so I did not feel it was my to have that conversation with her.
Had she been heard? Were the options communicated transparently? Had she been involved in the decision making process at all?