science revision




energy stores


history of periodic table

energy tranfers



groups of periodic table

magnetic, thermal, elastic potential, gravitational potential, kinetic, chemical, nuclear, electrostatic.


The spreading and movement of particles, from a high concentration to a low concentration gradient. Gases or liquids.

mechanical, electrical, heating, radiation

the net movement of water molecules from an area of high water concentration to an area of low wotah concentration through a semipermeable membrane passively

group 1

group 7

transition metals

group 0

nobel gases: they are inert they are unreavtive and have a full outer shell of electrons

Active transport

Within the human body

Within plants

Villi and lungs

alkali metals: they are highly reactive and have one electron in their outer shell very soft metals and get more reactive as you go down the group

halogens: highly reactive and have on less than full electrons in their outer shell and get less reactive as you go down the group

The villi and lungs are adapted for active transport, they are long and thin to increase their surface area. They then have one-cell thick membranes to keep them on the scale of solvents. Finally, they maintain a steep concentration gradient.

maluable strong ductile less reactive good conductors and solid (except mercury)

the movement of particles from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration using energy

ZEKE- says

efficiency equation


active transport


the rates of diffusion are effected by surface area tempeture and concentraton gradient

For plants to take up and absorb mineral ions, plant ions are moved into the root hairs within the plant. These then create a higher concentration within the plant than the dissolved solvents in the soil. Active transport then occurs due to the plant maintaining a steep concentration gradient, and the ions are absorbed.

the net movement of water molecules from an area of high water concentration to an area of low wotah concentration through a semipermeable membrane passively

Energy efficiency (%) = useful energy output(j) / total energy input(j) x 100


Power (w) = work(j) / time (s)

Power (watts) = Current(amphs) x Potential Difference (volts)

the movement of particles from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration using energy

Requires energy!!


elastic potential energy

Ee = ½ x K x E2

specific heat capacity

Change in energy (j)= mass(kg) x specific heat capacity x temp change


Power (w) = work(j) / time (s)

Power (watts) = Current(amphs) x Potential Difference (volts)

kinetic energy

Ek = ½ x M x V2

Ek = kinetic energy

M = mass (kg)

V = velocity (m/s)

Ee joules elastic potential energy

K spring constant n/m

Extension meters

gravitanional potential energy

Ep = M x G x H

[E]nergy in joules

[M]ass in kg

[G]ravitational field strength 10N/kg

[H]eight in meters










dna duplicates

Equations for circuits

Current = Charge*Time

Current = PD/resistance

Power=Current 2 x Resistance