A guide to using the internet

Search engines




News is not relevant to the region you are in

Suspiciously similar to Google layout

Large amount of redundancy present


has current news on title page

easier to search by image

always has a shopping tab




Many of the articles are, in fact, ads

Hard to operate privacy settings

Hard to access SafeSearch


Has news on title page

Has weather on title page

For those who use such things, has Yahoo Horoscope




Most popular

Is linked to Google Suite

Better format for links to, for example, Twitter


Hard to buy stuff

Cannot switch languages if you are searching

An internet search engine set up in 2009 by Microsoft

I have chosen to write a guide to the internet as I have found that it is occasionally hard to use and I wish to write a guide to help people using it

Was named to sound vaguely computery

Strangely, has two identical sites (here and here)

Was set up under the name BackRub in 1995 by a pair of college students named Larry Page and Sergey Brin

Named after the number 10,000,​000,000,​000,​000,​000,000,​000,000,​000,​000,000,​000,000,​000,​000,000,000,000,​000,000,000,​000,​000,000,​000,000,000,​000,000,​000,​000,​000 : : :

"Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle"

Was originally a list of links to interesting sites made by Jerry Yang and David Filo

Search the internet for specific sites

The site: function


The solution: the site: function

This allows one to see search results only from a specific site.

Step 3: type everything that you want to see in the URL, e.g. this would be twitter.com for twitter

Step 2: type site:

Step 1: type in the words you want to search for

The problem

If one wants to see, for example, twitter's views on climate change, one may have tried to do so by searching up "climate change Twitter"

This does not work. Instead you will get any site that mentions both climate change and twitter, e.g. Climate change on Twitter: Content, media ecology and information sharing behaviour

Notes on the site: function

d and d

You get different results, in no pattern that I can divulge, if you do steps 2 and 3 before step 1

This function is not necessary on google: instead, search for the shown link on the search page (or one like it), and click on it

click to edit

The question area


On google, one may occasionally see a white box, within which are written questions. If one clicks on a question an "answer" appears

Do not trust this area! Due to the simple nature of the algorithm, totally misleading answers will appear, for example: Q:Why mercury has no boiling point? A:Low melting point. (for the record, mercury does have a boiling point- 356.7°C, to be exact)

Although inspired, the algorithm is simplistic. It shows commonly-searched questions, then inputs them through Google's own algorithm, gets the first website that pops up, and then gives as an answer the sentence that the question appears in

click to edit

Using site offline

Internet dinosaur

Sometimes, you may want to view a website while offline. In order to do so, you must:

Prepare in advance, choosing and finding the website you want to view while you still have internet

While viewing the site, turn your device offline

Not reload the page, or cause the page to be reloaded

Not click on any links, submission buttons, the back arrow, etc.

Not change to any other tab. This means that you can only view one website at a time with this trick

If the page disappears, for whatever reason, go back to the tab, press reload 3 times, the back arrow, then reload 3 times again. If it still doesn't work, give up and play the dinosaur game

WARNING: upon attempting this trick, the lock symbol will disappear and be replaced by "offline" in grey letters. Do not be alarmed; as your computer is no longer connected to the internet, you cannot enter passwords etc. anyway, so your data is still safe

NOTE: some especially large or complex pages, e.g. friv, twitter, may have their images replaced with small green boxes, their text cut off, or they may simply fail to work at all



The world's

Mostly, equal proportions of the world think that the internet has improved or worsened life in general

People generally think that it has improved education and personal finance

Most people think that the internet has worsened romantic relationships and politics

My opinions

I think that the internet is an amazing and wonderful tool. The people who use it to injure others, are, in my opinion, are doing nothing more than they would have done in real life, except for the fear of punishment that would have held them back. In my opinion, fear of punishment is no excuse at all

Random facts and tips


I prefer to use Google, as it is the most popular. If someone tells me to looks X up, you'll find it pretty quickly, they're probably talking about Google

Half of everybody in the world uses the internet every day

For every 5 people using the internet, there are 4 web pages. Most of these aren't used more than once a year, if at all


How this topic affects young people

young people

Young people have grown up in a world that is changing must faster than their parent's. It is important that they understand the wonderful tools that have been handed to them

click to edit

Web crawlers

crawler web

Indexes run on web crawlers. These go into websites and jump between hyperlinks, indexing every website that they come to

Web indexes


Every search engine has an index. It holds informations and hyperlinks about websites



Googlebot desktop

Googlebot mobile


What I learned from this topic


I learned how to make my searches more effective on the internet



In conclusion, though confusing the internet is a great tool for learning and helping- though it can be used to harm as well. It is up to you, as young adults, to use the internet safely and responsibly, for the good of all