Jainism and Buddhism
Religious ideologies - developed in 6th cent. BCE
Factors leading to their rise
During the Later Vedic Age, rituals became expensive and elaborate, burdening common people.
The rigid caste system created inequality and lower castes were denied the right to practice religion.
Common people spoke Prakrit and Pali while Vedic texts were composed in Sanskrit, allowing Bhramanas to interpret religion for their own benefit.
Vardhamana Mahavira was the founder and 24th tirthankara (great teacher).
Rishabhadeva or Adinatha was the first tirthankara.
Mahavira's life
At the age of 30, he left home and became an ascetic. He meditated for 12 years and attained kaivalya (perfect knowledge)
Mahavira means the great hero. He was also called jina - conqueror of self.
Born as a prince on 7th April - Mahavir Jayanti
Mahavira's teachings
Jina was more important than God
Triratnas - three jewels
Right faith
Right knowledge
Right conduct/action
To attain moksha/freedom from karma (cycle of life & death), follow the triratnas preached by him.
Mahavira preached five principles
Ahimsa - non-violence
Satya - honesty
Asteya - not to steal
Tyaga - not to own property
Brahmacharya - lead life of celibacy (no family)
Spread of Jainism
It was preached in Prakrit, which people understood well.
Bimbisara and Ajatashatru were patrons of Jainism.
The disciples spread the message country-wide.
Two sects
Digambaras (no clothes)
Svetambaras (only white clothes)
Contributed much to growth of literature in Prakrit and Kannada
Teaching compiled in Angas - Jaina religious texts
Art and architecture
Dilwara temple - Mount Abu in Rajasthan - intricate carvings and architecture are found there.
Jaina temples at Chittor, Khajuraho, Ranakpur
Gomateshwara statue at Shravanabelagola near Mysore
Founded by Gautama Buddha (born Siddhartha), a contemporary of Mahavira
Early life of Buddha
Saw the Four Great Sights - an old man, a sick man, a dead man and an ascetic. The first 3 convinced him of the endless sufferings of the world.
Great Renunciation - left his wife and child to find answers about life.
Enlightenment - meditated for 49 days under a pipal tree near Gaya in Bihar and attained enlightenment. Was called Buddha (the enlightened one) from now.
Gave his first sermon at Deer Park in Sarnath. Traveled throughout North India preaching.
Four Noble Truths
Eight-fold path (ashtangika marga)
Urged his followers to avoid a life of extremes and follow the Middle Path which he prescribed.
Did not believe in caste system (equality)
Did not recognize the existence of God
World is full of sorrows and miseries
Material desire is the main cause of our suffering.
Suffering can be avoided by overcoming desires.
Desires can be overcome by following the Middle path leading to nirvana or salvation (freedom from karma)
The right way of living (middle path)
Right observation
Right determination
Right meditation
Right memory
Right speech
Right means of livelihood
Right action
Right exercise
The principles were easy to follow and Buddha preached equality which appealed to people in the rigid caste system.
Preached in Pali - easily understood.
No costly rituals - poor embraced Buddhism.
Sanghas and monasteries became centers of learning.
Royal patronage from Ashoka and Kanishka.
Spread to Sri Lanka, Nepal, Tibet, China, Japan and many SE Asian countries.
In 1st cent. BCE, split into Mahayana and Hinayana Buddhism.
Cause for decline
Buddhist monks eventually shifted to Sanskrit
Idol worship became adopted and rich offerings to monasteries left out poor people.
Opposition from Shaivites and Vaishnavites, especially in the South weakened Buddhism.
Invasion of the Hunas, especially king Mihirakula
Monasteries containing great riches were attacked by Turks.
Jainism - austere life. Buddhism - middle path.
Jainism - Gods less than jina. Buddhism - no gods.
Jainsim - moksha by triratnas. Buddhism - moksha by middle path.
Jainism - Prakrit. Buddhism - Pali.
Jainism - Indian subcontinent. Buddhism - many parts of the world.
Jainism - digambaras and shvetamabaras. Buddhism - Hinayana and Mahayana.
Teachings - Tripitakas (three baskets).
Tales from Jataka - previous births of Buddha.
Educational centers such as Nalanda, Valabhi, Vikramashila
Beautiful stupas at Sanchi, Valabhi, and Nalanda.
Gandhara sculptures and paintings at Ellora and Ajanta.
Chaityas (prayer halls), stupas, viharas (monasteries)