Today? Majority making sure of more important things - relationship with God.
Making wise use of time?
Recent study, adults in western country asked how they spend their time. Takeout essential activities, eating, working, sleeping:
average person:
4 hours a day watching TV
Almost 4 hours using their smart phone
2.5 hours on social media!
Could rub us on us. This test, examine ourselves. Is this world effecting me. Honestly examine how we are spending our time.
We do this with physical money, not always good with time.
Gave you a gift of 1000 EURO
Same with time:
Look at opening part of study note Eph 5:15,16
Ask yourself: ‘Is my focus on Bible reading and study, congregation meetings and family worship, the ministry, and the care of others? Or am I focused on recreation, entertainment, and social media?’Excessive recreation can limit one’s share in the Kingdom work or hold us back from doing more in the congregation
Look out for TIME TRAPS
Things that just swallow up time!
Have you ever picked up your phone, gone through a few apps, checked news, emails, whatsapp, instragram, facebook, window shopping. Before you know it hour has passed? or two?
Turn on the TV.