Of Beasts and Men Innovations scientigiques et responsabilités gr 1
Humans and animals
Animal suffering
Animal protection
Taking action
violent actions
raising awareness on animal suffering issues
give money to charities/associations
animal in circus/zoos: Tourism?
for therapy (autism, dogs for the blind) HELP
pets/affective links/friendship
food chain (we eat some of them)
intensive livestock/intensive breeding
Greenpeace, WWF....
development of natural reserves
organisation such as RSPCA (SPA)
new laws (Sentient Laws, no more wild animals in circus, no more cages, fines for mistreatment)
for sports, horses
animal for clothes (leather, fur...)
beauty contests
army or police dogs
space animals
humans pollute/encroach on animal habitats
animal testing (checking how dangerous a product is)
deforestation/destruction of habitats
endangered species
force feeding
ocean pollution
abandonment AND mistreatment of animals (in particular pets)
hunting and poaching
animal testing (for drugs/medicine or beauty products)
illegal detention/smuggling
killing animals for their ivory tusks
reducing our meat consumption (flexitarian/vegetarian/vegan)
sign petitions
creating new laws