Translation, Output and Delivery


Multimedia software platform used for production of animations, rich web applications, desktop applications, mobile apps, mobile games, and embedded web browser video players.
Flash displays text, vector graphics, and raster graphics to provide animations, video games, and applications. It allowed streaming of audio and video, and can capture mouse, keyboard, microphone, and camera input.

Appropriate Use of Animation

Do use animation to:
-explain abstract concepts
-create subtle special effects or transitions
-explain a series of events or a process that follows a spesific timeline
-draw attention to a detail in a picture by making it move

-use animation just for sake of doing it
-force a user sit through a set sequence (always provide an exit or way to tun it off)
-overdue animation so it takes away from your site's goals


ActionScript is an object-oriented programming language originally developed by Macromedia Inc. (later acquired by Adobe Systems).
ActionScript is used primarily for the development of websites and software targeting the Adobe Flash Player platform, used on Web pages in the form of embedded SWF files.

What can a Flash Animation Include

-Vector-based graphics (tween)
-Bitmap-based graphics
-Embedded fonts

Flash Environments

-Flash authoring environment
(design, scripting)
-Flash player
(users must have installed workstation)

Flash Files ("Movies")

1.Authoring file
.fla extension
create the design version
2.Published file
.swf extension ("swiff" file)
can't be edited
can play on most operating systems
fairly small files

Introduction to
Flash and Animation

-the flash development environment
-creating flash animations
(layers, timelines, creating animation, adding sound)
-publishing animation on Web pages
-using flash to create embedded multimedia

Creating Movie

Creating a Flash Movie the movie on paper
2.determine the size (height and width in pixels)
3.create the Flash file and configure the stage properties
(size and b/ground color) layer
5.layer analysis

Adding a New Layer
1.Click Insert Layer button
2.Rename the layer
3.Add the content to new layer
4.Layer order determines

Drawing with Flash
-make sure to select the correct layer
-draw the item and position it on stage
-configure its properties

-consist of layer divided into frames

Creating Flash Animation
-types of animation
(shape and motion)

Creating a Shape Animation
1.create a new layer
2.create a keyframe at the start time
3.create a keyframe at the end time any frame between the beginning and ending

Creating a Motion Tween
-same as shape tweening

-symbol:resusable object
-types of symbols
(graphics, movie clips, buttons)

1.Saving the symbols

-Adding Sounds
(Save distribution files)
(Use HTML)
(Use Flash (.swf)
-Creating Embedded Flash Video
(File-Import-Import Video)