HMW respond to an already formed clot?


Sealed/flexible poking (ET tube)

Rapid clot bypass

Segmented circuit (lego snap out)

Connector port/stopcock/three way valve at many positions of tube

Temporary stop flow, suck out clot

Canal (lock)

ECMO clot velcro (attracts clotting)


Heat it up


Ball bearings

Rotor rooter


Magnet bob sled

Fish tank cleaner

HMW detect clot formation?

Robot flashlight detector (wheels, grabs onto tubes and goes around)


Biological markers

Measure biological markers



Fibrinogen to fibrin

Mark molecules as they pile on (becomes brighter)

Fluorescently/fluorescein label clotting cascade molecule so as they clot fluorescence goes up


Transmittance of light

Biological method

Clot-earting bacteria

Clot-eating fish



Sound (whistle detection with microphone)

Tea kettle that plays "Everything is awesome"

Automatic flashlight

Optical light saber

Tube lights (each one has own)

Scanner that goes along tubes

Color-changing tube

When it detects clot (clotting factors)

Heparin coating is fluorescent/color

HMW prevent clot formation?

Clot stud finder


Fiber optics

Fiber optic strand so you dont have to illuminate (detect shadow)

F-molecule that accumulates at clot site and fluoresces ("UV-light detection")

xray glasses that detect clots

Nano/microparticle dissolving clots

P sensors in all places (PV=nRT)

Optical Flow Rate Monitor to App

Twister tracker (flows around and when not detected indicates clot)

Cross section scanning inside tubes (Paul Yock)

Removable parts of cirucit

Pool robot cleaner

AI/ML as early warning system (lead as opposed to lag)

Clot fisher

Soft robot

Filter catch In different spot

Ultrasonic Clip on Breaker Up-er

Use electricity to break up clots

Flow Increaser Across Oxygenator

Pulsatile flow

RFID scanner

Hydrogel RFID that attach to clots

Changes to circuit

Create a different shaped oxygenator to facilitate less stasis

Extra AC just in membrane

Change the material of the membrane to be less clotty


Special channeled Tubes

Centrifugal section that spins clots off


Fiber optic coating of tubes to detect abnormalities