Step 2: Introduce the ideas given by staff from Step 1. If no advice was given try introducing more differential activities into the lesson, increasing the use of multimedia, introducing regular drama elements to the classroom, introducing use of whiteboards, reorganise the layout of the classroom, or introduce a different Reward system, etc. Was there any change?
Continue with the new changes to the classroom layout, activities, etc. for a month. If the issues are relieved then pass on what has worked to your colleagues. If the issues persist move onto Step 3.
The student persisted with evidence of poor behaviour, or they continued to struggle with attaining academic information. Continues to Step 3.
Step 3: Have the School Counsellor/Special Education Representative attend one of your classes to observe the struggling student. (Aim for more than 1 viewing to gain a greater pool of information to digest.) Did they determine that the student needs further assistance?
Step 4:Consult with the parents about implementing the ideas spoken about in Step 3. Trial these changes for a predetermined period of roughly 3 months.
Step 5: Review the effectiveness of the consultation by conducting a Progress Report sessions once a month. Did the ideas in Step 4 improve the struggling students academic experience?
Continue with the IEP. Slowly remove elements of it if deemed appropriate after further consultations with the Representative and the Parents. (Review again in 3 months.)
Seek a further review and consultation with the Representative and the Parents. Suggest removing the student from the class for a temporary period of time - either until the student is caught up, or the student is more comfortable/relaxed in the classroom.
Step 6: The student has shown progress either behaviourally or academically after a period away from the class?
Recommend removal of the student from the class and place them in a Specialized classroom environment with trained professionals and a permanent IEP.
Recommend a period of adjustment to reintroduce the student back into the classroom. The student may continue to have an IEP whilst in the classroom. Continually review the progress of the student over the following 3 months.
Arrange a meeting with the parents, the teachers most involved with the student, the Special Education Representative, and the student themselves.
Collaboratively come up with an IEP to help the student progress in a way that is most comfortable with them, whilst not having an overarching impact on the rest of the class.
Consult with the Representative and see if you can create an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) for the student.
Consult with the other members of staff responsible for the student i.e. homeroom teacher, subject teachers, Principal, etc. Together come up with a comprehensive IEP for the student.
Implement the IEP and follow its progress. Review the student accordingly every 3 months to assess progress.
Continue with the diversifying aspects of the class from Step 2. If the issues persist then insist on another review of the students performance by the Representative. [Or continue to Step 4]