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Ivan Pavlov
He was the first person who conduct the
first experiment about Classical conditioning
accidentally founded classical conditioning
when he conduct an experiment on dog digestion in which he win the Nobel prize in 1904.
He notice after a few times, the dog started to salivate even when he hear the footsteps of Pavlov assistant who always brought the food.
Because of curiosity he starts to conduct s formal experiment about classical conditioning.
-he introduce the basic features of classical conditioning
The unconditioning stimulus
( food)
The unconditioning response
( saliva)
Conditioning stimulus
(tone, bell a paired with food)
Conditioning responces
(saliva after hear the sound of bell)
B.F Skinner
He introduces the ideas of
operant conditioning as a branch under Behaviorism
He adopted Watson ideas and expanded them.
He also introduces behaviour analysis, the area of psychology that focuses on how the environment affects the learning process and human behaviours.
To analysis behaviour experiments, he develops operant conditioning (the learning process in which the responses change depending on the changes in sequences.
He conduct the
experiment on the rat that was put in an operant chamber(box).
If the rat press a lever, the food will be delivered, after the rat accidentally touches the lever a few times, it learns to touch the lever to get more food.
He called it
positive reinforcement
If the behaviour is followed by a reduction of the aversive stimulus and increases the probability of the behaviour, it is called
negative reinforcement.
-He also introduces the
concept of positive and negative punishment.
All of his works are really important in the psychology of learning and are widely used by society nowadays.
John B. Watson
A lot of modern psychology about learning was rooted in his works and ideas.
He, not the first behaviourist nor the first person to experiment with it.
he founded a school of psychology known as
and make behaviourism become more systematic and popularized
rejects introspection
because it is too subjective and in return, he suggests the use of observable behaviour to collect data.
In the early age of behaviourism he conducts one of the most controversial experiments of all time,
little Albert experiment
with his colleagues
Rosalie Rayner
A lot of white fluffy things are present in front of Albert.
The experiment was focused on conditioning Albert to be fear white at what he liked the most.
The white rat is paired with the loud sound.
every time the rat come closed to Albert, a loud sound will follow.
After a few trials, Albert starts to fear the white rat and a lot more, furry and white things such as Santa Claus and white rabbit.
The experiment teaches us that human can be conditioned to be afraid of something or to be happy.
Mary Whiton Calkins(1863-1930)
Studies with William James at Harvard University but as a
“guest’ graduate student
since she is a woman.
refused to grant a PhD
even when she fulfil all the requirements.
established one of the first psychology laboratories in the United States
she contributed a lot to
techniques for studying memory
she become
the first women president of the American Psychological Association in 1905.
Sigmund Freud
Develop the
psychodynamic principles
of motivation
His theory of personality is an
attempt to explain the origins and courses of personality development.
He also introduces psychoanalytic theory where he believes that human behaviour arises from inner forces.
He believes that all behaviours are determined by motives.
The cause of human behaviour can be discovered b dreams, errors, and others inner passion.
theory of the structures of the mind
( the unconscious mind which is part of personality that operates irrationally)
( the aspect of personality that focused on individual values and including moral attitudes)
(the reality base aspect of the self that balancing id and superego.
He also introduces the psychodynamic approach which is The
Oedipus complex.
Based on it's he developed
5 Psychosexual Stages of Development.
1.The Oral Stage (The first year of life)
The Anal Stage (About 1 to 3 years old)
3.The Phallic Stage (About 3 to 6 years of age)
The Latent Period (About 6 years to adolescence)
5.The Genital Stage (Adolescence and beyond)
Margaret Floy Washburn
She is graduated from Cornell University and become the
first women in history to receive a PhD in psychology.
one of her most works of her is the textbook that he write which is
The Animal Mind
that was published in 1908.
the book provided a review about
perception, learning and memory in animals
that gave insight to the later researches.
She become the
second women president of the American Psychological Association
in 1921 after Mary Whiton
Edward B. Titchener
the reason structuralism was rejected
It makes a complex mind become too simple and limited to sensation.
It tries to combine all parts of the human brain into one single component rather than studies it as a complex structure of the mind.
Because it used the introspection method which only focuses on but the person said rather than what they don’t say.
his ideas
He is a student of Wundt, he Become one of the early psychologists to establish a psychology laboratory after Wundt in 1883
He introduced the ideas of
( the study of the structure of the mind)
all of his works were inspired by Wilhelm Wundt, Titchener continued to develop Wundt ideas and expand them
most of his works are based on systematic studies and laboratory experiments
he studies consciousness as a centre of studies.
he believes that psychology is science, therefore, most of his studies included structuralism is support the belief that our mind is can be divided into components.
He focuses on “what” is the mind rather than “why’ or “how” -the goal is to reveal the structure of the mind
After he died, his idea of his no longer being expended.
William James
He was known as a founder of
he agrees with Titchener that consciousness is the centre of studies but he rejects structuralism because it reduced the element of mind.
he introduces functionalism, the function of the mind and how our mind produce information to interact with the environment-functionalism is important because it helps us to learn to function perfectly in this world and society.
he rejects most of Wundt and Titchener beliefs he believes that humans are unique, full of emotion, will, values and more that cannot be interpreted with numbers or formulas.
Aside from being the founder of Functionalism, he is also famous because:
He wrote 2 volume-work about the principle of psychology that was considered the most important psychology text.
He earned recognized as the founder of American Psychology
He inspires a lot of psychologists after him with his ideas.
Charles Darwin
In 1859, Darwin published his thoughts about evolution and
natural selection
in On the Origin of Species. It was as popular as it was controversial.
He is well-known for his insight into natural selection, according to which individuals of a species are more likely to survive in their environment and pass on their genes to the next generation if they acquire features from their parents that are best adapted for that environment. As a result, such traits grow more common in the species, perhaps leading to the emergence of a new species
In 1859, Darwin published his thoughts about evolution and natural selection in On the Origin of Species. It was as popular as it was controversial.
he believes that humans and other species shared the same ancestors.
He believes that humans go through revolution to be a better version of humans.
Most of his studies are related to animals.
studies human intelligence by delayed-response problem
Where animals are giving signals about where the food is placed. After the signal stop, he waits for a few minutes to delay the animals to see how long animals can remember the signal given.
He inspired others research to continue the studies of animal learning and intelligence until today.
Alfred Binet
first intelligent test
was introduced in 1905 by Alfred Binet.
the France minister instructed him to create the test to make sure the education system can be carried out more effectively.
the children who have a disability of intelligence will be separated from those who have a normal intelligent level.
later, he
devised the system
again which his colleague,
Theodore Simon
in the hope to reduced the biased evolution of teachers.
children various of ages were tested and the average score for normal children was calculated.
to determine the level of intelligence, the test result will be compared with the average results of the other children of the same age.
his successful development of an intelligent test has giving a huge impact on today society in regards to education, the workplace and more.
Wilhelm Wundt(1832-1920)
He established the
first psychology laboratory
in Leipzig, Germany in 1879.
He is interested in the basic process of
sensation and perception
He is the first to publish a few
principles of physiological psychology.
the approach he used to collect information is
(to look within oneself).
his field of research is related to the sensory physiology, the timing of conscious experience, how human behaviours are different in a different culture and human motivation, cognitive and more.
One of the experiments that he did is an
experiment about timing and consciousness.
The result shows that the time an event occurs and the time we notice it are slightly different because we need time to shift our attention from one stimulus to another.
As a first-person who established a psychology laboratory and made it become one of the areas of study, he has motivated a lot of others research to continue to do more research and explore more about psychology to this day.
As pschology develop, women are now more accepted in psychology field
no women are deniable from education or entery any fields they want to join