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abaqus tutorial assistant 2017
get started with Abaqus/CAE
getting started with abaqus
how to use this guide
new Abaqus users
introduction about A Python script
Finite Elements and Rigid Bodies
The use of continuum (solid) elements, shell elements, and beam elements
Linear dynamic
Nonlinear dynamic analyses
material nonlinearity introduced in Materials
Multiple Step Analysis
introduction about Abaqus/CAE plug-in scripts
experienced Abaqus users
Creating and Analyzing a Simple Model in Abaqus/CAE
Using Additional Techniques to Create and Analyze a Model in Abaqus/CAE
Viewing the Output from Your Analysis
Abaqus documentation
other guides
check exmaple
Abaqus Verification Guide
Abaqus Example Problems Guide
abaqus findkeyword
abaqus fetch
files will be stored at file temp
Abaqus Theory Guide
Abaqus Keywords Guide
the basic guides
Abaqus Analysis Guide
Abaqus Constraints Guide
Abaqus Elements Guide
Abaqus Execution Guide
Abaqus Interactions Guide
Abaqus Introduction & Spatial Modeling Guide
Abaqus Materials Guide
Abaqus Output Guide
Abaqus Prescribed Conditions Guide
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A quick review of the finite element method
Obtaining nodal displacements using
implicit methods
Implicit finite element methods require that a system of equations is solved
at the end of each solution increment
Stress wave propagation illustrated
how forces propagate through a model when using the explicit dynamics method
Abaqus Basics
Preprocessing, simulation, and postprocessing
the Abaqus
input file
for a simple analysis can be created directly using
a text editor
Components of an Abaqus analysis model
loads and boundary conditions
numerical singularity” or “zero pivot”
warning message during a static stress analysis, you should check whether all or part of your model lacks constraints against rigid body translations or rotations.
discretized geometry,
element section properties
material data
analysis type
output requests
Introduction to Abaqus/CAE
Components of the main window
functions of all bars and areas
What is a module?
Abaqus/CAE does not recognize mechanical contact between part instances or regions of an assembly
unless that contact is specified in the Interaction module
Assembly module
to create instances of your
to create instances of other
to position the instances relative to each other in a global coordinate system, thus creating an assembly
An Abaqus model contains only
it exists in its own coordinate system, independent of other parts in the model
Example: creating a model of an overhead hoist
the Python scripts
1.From the main menu bar, select File->Run Script.
2.Choose the file from the list of available scripts (.py file)
creating part
select the Delete tool
In the prompt area, select Constraints as the scope of the operation
the Sketcher Options tool
You should always
your model database at regular intervals
Defining and assigning section properties
use the command line interface (CLI) in Abaqus/CAE as a simple calculator
type pi
Defining the assembly
one assembly
Configuring your analysis
Creating an analysis step
general analysis steps
linear perturbation steps
Applying boundary conditions and loads to the model
All the mechanical boundary conditions specified in the Initial step must have zero magnitudes
Meshing the model
The Mesh module functionality is available
menu bar items
toolbox icons
Basic meshing
two-stage operation
mesh the part instance
seed the edges of the part instance
display the node and element numbers
Part Display Options
from the main menu bar
Toggle on
Show node labels
Show element labels
in the
tabbed page of the
Part Display Options
dialog box that appears
Assigning an Abaqus element type
who comes first does not matter
Creating an analysis job
job name = output file name
Postprocessing: overhead hoist
Viewport->Viewport Annotation Options
Customizing an undeformed shape plot
Options->Common->Labels or
Displaying and customizing a deformed shape plot
view->specify->rotation angles->total rotation from
To manipulate the view using the 3D compass:
Click and drag one of the straight axes of the 3D compass to pan along an axis.
Click and drag any of the quarter-circular faces on the 3D compass to pan along a plane.
Click and drag one of the three arcs along the perimeter of the 3D compass to rotate the model about the axis that is perpendicular to the plane containing the arc.
Click and drag the free rotation handle (the point at the top of the 3D compass) to rotate the model freely about its pivot point.
Click the label for any of the axes on the 3D compass to select a predefined view (the selected axis is perpendicular to the plane of the viewport).
Double-click anywhere on the 3D compass to specify a view.
Up vector
Plot->Deformed Shape or
Options->Common->Basic->Deformation Scale Factor or
Plot->Allow Multiple Plot States or
Options->Superimpose or
Checking the model with Abaqus/CAE
View->ODB Display Options->Entity Display->Show bounday conditions.
Generating tabular data reports
Report->Field Output
generate rpt file
Using Continuum Elements
Element formulation and integration
Full integration
An FE solver computes displacement and force results at the element nodes
Unlike displacements and forces, strains and stresses are not computed at the nodes. They are computed at specific “integration points” within the element.
The calculated stresses and strains are then extrapolated out to the nodes.
Reduced integration
best choice for most general stress/displacement simulations, except in large-displacement simulations involving very large strains and in some types of contact analyses
less sensitive, but still need to consider it
Incompatible mode elements
high accuracy at a low cost
However, care must be taken to ensure that the element distortions are small, which may be difficult when meshing complex geometries;
therefore, you should again consider using the reduced-integration, quadratic elements in models with such geometries because they show much less sensitivity to mesh distortion.
sensitivity to mesh distortion
Selecting continuum elements
example: Lug
Prescribing boundary conditions and applied loads
In Abaqus/CAE boundary conditions are applied to geometric regions of a part rather than to the finite element mesh itself. This association between boundary conditions and part geometry makes it very easy to vary the mesh without having to respecify the boundary conditions. The same holds true for load definitions.
used for the purposes of defining material boundaries
indicating the location of loads and constraints
refining the mesh
Designing the mesh: partitioning and creating the mesh
a region can be meshed using structured methods
a region can be meshed using sweep methods
a region can be meshed using the free method.
can be meshed using the bottom-up method
a region cannot be meshed using the default element shape assignment and must be partitioned further.
Postprocessing—visualizing the results
Visible edges
Options->Common->Visible Edges
Render style
wireframe , hidden line , filled , and shaded
Contour plots
Result->Field Output
Contour Options
Displaying contour results on interior surfaces
Tools->View Cut or
Maximum and minimum values
Viewport->Viewport Annotation Options->Legend->Show min/max values
Displaying a subset of the model
Results Tree->Display Groups
Displaying a free body cut
to view the resultant forces and moments transmitted across a selected surface of a model
Tools->Free Body Cut->Manager
Generating tabular data reports for subsets of the model
Display Groups
Save Selection As
Report->Field Output.
Using Shell Elements
Use shell elements to model structures
the stresses in the thickness direction are negligible
one dimension (the thickness) is significantly smaller than the other dimensions
The degrees of freedom for the shell are associated with the reference surface.
To verify that the local material directions have been assigned correctly
Example: skew plate
Creating the mesh and defining a job
Choosing a shell element
1/10 (surface scale not the element scale) use shell
high 1/15 thick shell
low 1/15 thin shell
large strain or small strain
large rotations
Finite-strain shell elements
large strain large rotation
though large strain, approximately less than 10% thickness change
Small-strain shell elements
small strain large rotation
The change in thickness with deformation is ignored in these elements
Because the strain is typically considered small if it is less than 4 or 5%, a strain of 0.8% is well within the appropriate range to be modeled with S8R5 elements.
Thickness change is considered only in geometrically nonlinear analyses
For conventional shells
the strain results only from the Poisson’s effect
stress in the thickness direction is zero
For continuum shells
the stress in the thickness direction may not be zero
may cause additional strain beyond that due to Poisson’s effect
Reduced integration
used with first-order (linear) elements, hourglass control is required
must check if hourglassing is occurring; if it is, a finer mesh may be required or concentrated loads must be distributed over multiple nodes.
The second-order reduced-integration elements
generally do not have the same difficulty and are recommended in cases when the solution is expected to be smooth
First-order elements
recommended when large strains or very high strain gradients are expected
Using Beam Elements
For beam theory to produce acceptable results, the cross-section dimensions should be less than 1/10 of the structure's typical axial dimension
Shear deformation
model shear
These elements can provide useful results as long as the cross-section dimensions are less than 1/10 of the typical axial dimensions of the structure, which is generally considered to be the limit of the applicability of beam theory
if the beam cross-section does not remain plane under bending deformation, beam theory is not adequate to model the deformation.
not model shear
These elements assume that shear deformations are negligible. Generally, if the cross-section dimensions are less than 1/15 of the typical axial dimensions of the structure, this assumption is valid.
Torsional response—warping
The warping calculation assumes that the warping displacements are small.
A datum plane, parallel to one of the trusses.
The orientation of the sketch plane will be defined using a datum axis.
see a graphical representation of the beam profile
View->Part Display Options and toggle on Render beam profiles
Linear Dynamics
Modifications to the model
eigenvalue extraction methods
The Lanczos method
generally faster when a large number of eigenmodes is required for a system with many degrees of freedom
The subspace iteration method
faster when only a few (less than 20) eigenmodes are needed
There is no point in extracting modes whose period is substantially smaller than the time increment used. Conversely, the time increment must be capable of resolving the highest frequencies of interest.
Determining the peak pull-out force
Plot multiple curves
click mouse button 3 on History Output for the output database named DynCrane.odb. From the menu that appears, select Filter.
enter *RF1* to restrict the history output
Position the grid
Double-click the plot to open the Chart Options dialog box
Position the legend
Double-click the legend to open the Chart Legend Options dialog box
To modify the curve styles
Query the X–Y plot
check points on plot
Tools->Query->Probe Values
Including nonlinearity in an Abaqus analysis
Geometric nonlinearity
Local directions
For shell, beam, and truss elements the local material directions always rotate with the deformation.
For solid elements the local material directions rotate with the deformation only if the elements refer to nondefault local material directions; otherwise, the default local material directions remain constant throughout the analysis.
Example: nonlinear skew plate
Job diagnostics
Do not need more iterations
largest correction to displacement < 0.01 largest increment of displacement
despite the first iteration
as thery are equal
the largest residual force < 0.05time average force
show frames
Main menu bar: Result->Step/Frame
Frame selector: Up right corner
nodal/node query still use the global system, while .rpt result could be changed by Main menu bar -> Result -> Option -> Transformation
Multiple step Analysis
General analysis procedures
The starting condition for each general step is the ending condition of the previous general step. Thus, the model's response evolves during a sequence of general steps in a simulation.
Linear perturbation steps
Linear perturbation steps (available only in Abaqus/Standard) calculate the linear response of the structure to a perturbation load. The response is reported relative to the base state defined by the condition of the model at the end of the last general step.
Restart files can be used to continue an interrupted analysis or to add additional load history to the simulation.
Contact algorithm
contact pair
general contact
Small sliding is not available for general contact.
Surfaces on continuum elements
Surfaces on structural, surface, and rigid elements
double-sided surfaces
edge-based surfaces
single-sided surfaces
node-based surfaces
Rigid surfaces
abaqus experience
1 m
1000 mm
E 30e9 Pa
30e3 N/mm2
Load 2e4 Pa
2e-2 N/mm2
have not read
Nonlinear Explicit Dynamics
2D beam orientation
SF/SM better than NFORCE
use body cut
position tolerance
if both faces are relatively regular
specify distance 0.005
if both faces are not so regular
corrugated steel pipe and grout or CC
specify distance larger
move slave parts to master parts even though the fixed boundaries are on slave parts
sp1 neg
sp3 pos
1-, 2-, 3-axes
R, theta,phi
2D model use continuum element
Part: 2D Planar Shell
Solid Homogenous
Generalized plane strain
so that to use CPE8R
create coordinate system
Interpolation or Nodel position
add "Coord" at the .inp file
If you have a large job needing lots of memory
change scratch file
job->edit->general->scratch directory
Save Session
delete the old file. Otherwise it is going to append to the old file
mesh control
use mapped tri meshing on boundary faces where appropriate
when two faces tie, it is better to turn it on, so both faces have nodes at the same point.
when at some parts the meshing is not as you expect, turn it off
like, at the boundary of the soil, you want it to be only one seed, but it is meshed into 4
shell obtain results at middle section
field output->Output at shell, beam, and ....->Specify->1,2,3,4,5
the Selection toolbar
tools->option->view manipulation->solidworks
view->graphics options->blackground
view->toolbar->views->1 2 3 4 save specific views
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Abaqus python scripts
5 ways to choose geometry