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CONCEPTUAL MAP, RELATION AMONG CONCEPTS: By analyzing the definition and…
DNA Sequencing: The sequence of DNA means determinating the order of the four chemical building that make up the DNA molecule.Its main function as we see is to automate the DNA sequences process, this means give a order to the four bases
RELATION AMONG THEM: Also a clear relation between this tree concepts is seeing how all talk us about the different DNA implications and reactions confront different situations, this means working with DNA molecules and different cells of the body.
Genes: Genes are definided as " segments of deoxyribonucleic acid " that mainly contain an specific code for some proteins that make function the different type of cells of the body. As mentioned before, one of their main uses is to store this genetic information and passed it trouguht generations
RELATION AMONG THEM : We could see a big and clear relation against Genes and Dna sequencing in the way that as Sequencing DNA means determining the order of the four chemical building blocks that make up the DNA molecule. Scientists can use this sequence of information to determine which stretches of DNA contain genes and which stretches carry regulatory instructions, turning genes on or off
monophyletic and non- monophyletic group: A monophytetic group could some times be related as an clade, due that includes an ancestral taxon and all of its decendants . The difference here is that the monophyletic can be separated from the root with a single cut but a non-monophyletic group needs two or more cuts
RELATION CLADE AND MONOPHYLETIC GROUP: Here we could see a relation between this two concepts in the way that A clade could be considered as a group of organisms that are monophyletic and is composed of a common ancestor and all its lineal descendants. So, this would be the key difference between taxon and clade.
Internal node: An internal node basically could be defined as an A node of a tree that has one or more child nodes, equivalently, one that is not a leaf. Also known as nonterminal node. See also parent, root.
RELATION AMONG THEM: One relation we could see between an internal node and a common ancestor is seeing hoe " A root is the ancestral population from which all the other species originate. ... Each node represents the last common ancestor of the two lineages descended from that node. Internal branches or internodes connect two nodes, whereas external branches connect a tip and a node."
PCR: The Polymenise chain reaction is defined as an a molecular biologique technique develop in 1983. Its main function is to make multiple copies of a segment of DNA and its very useful do to its precise result on the diferrent tests and Areas
Ancestral lineage: The ancestral lineage is basically seen as the line that shows the ancestors of a specific human. It is evident that this shows a certain classification of the ancestors showing their main characteristics
taxonomy: Taxonomy is difined as the science of naming, describing and classifying organisms. Including all type of animals and plants. As it is seen its function is in some way to organize and indek any type of " Knowledge" in a classification system or way.
phylogenetic tree: A phylogenetic tree is seen as a diagram that depicts the lines of evolutionary descent of different species, organisms, or genes from a common ancestor. As mentioned is main fucntion is to show this evolutionary pathways and connections with organism, however they had designed diferent diagrams since it was invented
Clade: A clade is defined as an branch that includes a single common ancetsor and all of its descendants. We could see how the organism in each clade are characterized by shared. ( Similar features)
Divergence event: This Genetic divergence is the "process in which two or more populations of an ancestral species accumulate independent genetic changes (mutations) through time, often leading to reproductive isolation and continued mutation even after the populations have become reproductively isolated for some period of time"
Common ancestor: An ancestor is that two or more descendants have in common. An interest fact of this is seeing how the most recent common ancestor of all currently living organisms is the last universal ancestor, which lived about 3.9 billion years ago.
RELATION AMONG CONCEPTS: By analyzing the definition and function form the phylogenetic tree, the taxonomy and the Ancestral lineage we could see a big main relation in the way that all of the tree concepts show us in some way a clasiffication of an specific information but in different forms. It could bee clasiffied or explain by a diagram, a graph. e.t.c