Chapter 9: Design service processes

Types of services

Social Services

Personal Services

Business Services

Nature of services

By Type of Processing

possession processing

Mental stimulus processing

Information processing

People processing

The customer is the focal point of all decisions and action

Operations is responsible for services systems and workforce

The Service Triangle


Service Package


Explicit services

Facilitating goods

Implicit services

Supporting facility

An Operational Classification of Services

Customer contact ( Physical presence of the customer )

Creation of the service ( Process)

Service Design ≠ Product Design

System-Service Design Matrix

Phone contact

Face-to-face tight specs

Internet and on-site Technology

Face-to-face loose specs

Mail contact

Face-to-face total customization

Strategic Uses of the Matrix

Clarifying exactly which combination of service delivery the firm is providing

Permitting comparison of how other firms deliver specific services

Enabling systematic integration of operation and marketing strategy

Indicating life cycle changes as the firm grows

3 contrasting service designs

The self-service approach

The personal attention approach

The production line approach

5 Types of Variability

Capability Variability

Effort Variability

Request Variability

Subjective preference Variability

Arrival Variability

Well-Designed Service System

Consistent performance by its people and system is easily maintained

Effective links between the back office and the front office


Customer can see the value of service provided



Consistent with the operating focus of the firm