Musculoskeletal Interventions: 8. Strengthening using progressive resistive exercise (PRE): Strength-building exercises in which the student is required to work against increasing resistance, applied via external resistance. 9. Strengthening (Functional): Strength-building exercises or activities in which the student is required to work against increasing resistance or gravity, or to work eccentrically within planned functional activity. 10.PROM/Brief stretch: Passive range of motion (PROM) is a form of bodily movement that is carried through by the therapist or student that does not include the assistance or resistance of the effected body part, applied for short periods of time to increase range of motion. 11.Prolonged stretch: Stretching is a sustained, long duration lengthening of soft tissue, such as muscle or tendon, applied for longer periods of time via positioning, casting, orthoses, etc. 12.Manual therapy: A broad group of skilled hand movements used by the physical therapist to mobilize or manipulate soft tissues and joints for the purpose of modulating pain; increasing range of motion; reducing or eliminating soft tissue swelling, inflammation, or restriction; enhancing relaxation; improving contractile and non-contractile tissue extensibility. 13.Massage: Skilled massage, including myofascial release, used by the physical therapist to reduce pain, increase range of motion, enhance relaxation, or reduce scar tissue or soft tissue swelling. 14.Use of modality: May include heat or cold, ultrasound, electrical stimulation or biofeedback. Please specify the modality used.