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The human body, to speak = parler, To move = bouger/faire un mvt, an organ…
The human body
to speak = parler
a loud voice = une voix forte
shrill = stridente
hoarse = rauque
to cry
to cry out
to sob = sangloter
to laugh = rire
to giggle = rire betement
to say something to somebody = dire qqch à qq1
to call = appeler
to tell somebody about something= parler à qq1 de qqch
to shout = crier
to scream/to shriek/ to yell = hurler
to cheer = acclamer
to whisper = chuchoter
to whistle = siffler
to murmur = murmurer
to mutter = marmoner
to stammer = bredouiller
to moan = gémir
to groan = grogner
to sigh/to give a sigh = soupirer
to spit = cracher
to chuckle = glousser
to smile = sourire
to grin = faire un grd sourire
to make a noise = faire du bruit
to burst out laughing = éclater de rire
to shed tears = verser des larmes
Speak up! I can't hear you = Parlez + fort! Je ne vous entends pas
Be silent!/Be quiet = Silence!/Taisez-vous
To move = bouger/faire un mvt
a movement = a motion = un mvt
motionless= immobile
to walk(on tiptoe) = marcher (sur la pointe des pieds)
on all fours = à quatre pattes
to crouch/ to squat down = s'accroupir
to creep/ to crawl = ramper
to shuffle = trainer des pieds
to stride = marcher à grd pas
the gait = la démarche
at a quick pace = à vive allure
to stumble = trébucher
to stagger = tituber
to fall = tomber
to slip = glisser
to run = courir
to rush/to dash = se précipiter
to jump = sauter
to leap = bondir
to lean = s'appuyer
to stand/to be standing = etre debout
to lie/ to be lying = etre étendu
to kneel = s'agenouiller
to bend down = se baisser
to bow = saluer
an organ = un organe
the blood = le sang
to bleed = saigner
an artery = une artère
a vein = une veine
a blood vessel = un vaisseau sanguin
the genitals = les organes génitaux
the penis
the testicles
the vagina
My heart is pounding = mon coeur bat très fort
the brain = le cerveau
the heart = le coeur
the lungs = les poumons
the oesophagus = l'oesophage
the windpipe = la trachée-artère
the liver = le foie
the stomach = l'estomac
the gall bladder = la vésicule biliaire
the spleen = la rate
the bowels = les intestins
a kidney = un rein
the bladder = la vessie
the womb = l'utérus
To look at somebody/something = regarder qq1 ou qqch
to watch = observer/regarder attentivement/surveiller/
to keep an eye on...=surveiller
to notice = remarquer
to stare(at...) = regarder fixement
to gaze(at...)= regarder avec admiration
to glare(at...)= regarder furieusement
to gape(at...) = regarder bouche bée
to peer(at...) = scruter
to peep = regarder à la dérobée
to frown(at...) = regarder en fronçant les sourcils
to glance(at...) = jeter un coup d'oeil
to wink(at...)= faire un clin d'oeil
to blink = cligner des yeux
to scan the horizon = scruter l'orizon
Don't stare at people like that ! = Ne dévisage pas les gens comme ça !
Can you keep an eye on the children? = Peux-tu surveiller les enfants
A colour = une couleur
white = blanc
black = noir
grey = gris
red = rouge
pink = rose
blue = bleu
green = vert
yellow = jaune
orange = orange
brown = brun/marron
dark green = vert foncé
light blue = bleu clair
yellowish= jaunâtre
The figure = la silouhette
a giant = un géant >< a dwarf = u nain
The skeleton > a bone = un os
a joint = une articulation
a nerve = un nerf
a muscle
the flesh = la chair > la peau = la peau
wrinkles = des rides
the complexion = le teint
the trunk = le tronc
the chest = la poitrine
the breasts = les seins
A rib = une cote
the back = le dos
the small of the back = le creux des reins
the backbone = la colonne vertébrale
a vertebra
the belly = le ventre
the navel = le nombril
the waist = la taille
the pelvis = le bassin
To hold = tenir
to carry = porter
to push = pousser
to pull = tirer
to drag = tirer avec effort
to catch = attraper
to throw = jeter
The five senses = les cinq sens
eyesight/sight = la vue
a beautiful sight = une belle vue
to see = voir
blind = aveugle
hearing = l'audition
to hear = entendre
to listen to smb/smg = écouter qq1 ou qqch
a loud noise = un bruit fort
touch = le toucher
to touch = le toucher
to stroke = caresser
to handle = manier
to tickle = chatouiller
to beat = battre
to hit = frapper
to kick (smb) = donner des coups de pieds à qq1
to smell = l'odorat
to smell = sentir
to stink = puer
to sniff = renifler
taste = le gout
to taste = gouter
to hear a sound = entendre un son
to smell a scent = sentir un parfum
to taste a flavour = gouter une saveur
to feel one's way = avancer à tatons
I can't stand the sight of her = je ne peux pas la voir en peinture
It smells of gas = Ca sent le gaz
It tastes like whisky = Cela a un gout de whisky
Looks = le physique
a big man
sturdy = costaud > stout = corpulent
well-built = bien bati >< thickset = trapu
muscular = musclé
small/short = petit
wide/broad><narrow = large >< étroit
thin = maigre, mince
fat > obese = gros
gaunt = amaigri >< lanky = disproportioné
plump = dodu
hunchbacked = bossu
slim/slender = svelte
Tall = grand
beautiful /good-looking / handsome = séduisant
ugly / plain = laid
left-handed = gaucher
to put on weight = grossir
looks aren't everything = la physique, ce n'est pas tout
she's kept her figure = elle a gardé la ligne
she's all skin and bone = elle n'a que la peau sur les os
that film made my flesh creep = Ce film m'a donné la chair de poule
to lose weight = perdre du poids
the face = le visage
the head = la tete
the skull = le crane
the features = les traits
the forehead = le front
the chin = le menton
the jaws = les machoires
the nose
the nostrils = les narines
the cheeks = les joues
the cheekbones = les pommettes
the ears = les oreilles
the eyes = les yeux
the eyelids = les paupières
the eyebrows = les sourcils
the eyelashes = les cils
the iris
the pupil
the retina
the hair = les cheveux
a lock = une mèche
a curl = une boucle
a beard = une barbe
a moustache
bald = chauve
the mouth = la bouche
the lips
the palate = le palais
the tongue = la langue
a tooth (plu: teeth) = une dent
blow your nose = mouche-toi
my head is spinning = j'ai la tete qui tourne
close your eyes = ferme les yeux
she's fair-haired = elle a les cheveux blond
he's growing a beard = il se laisser pousser la barbe
Your hair is too long = tu as les cheveux trop longs
the neck = le cou
the nape of the neck = la nuque
the throat = la gorge
the limbs = les membres
the shoulder = l'épaule
a shoulder blade = l'omoplate
the arm = le bras
the armpits = les aisselles
the forearm = l'avant-bras
the wrist = le poignet
the fist = le poing
the elbow = le coude
the hand = la main
the fingers = les doigts
the thumb = le pouce
the knuckles = les jointures
the hip = la hanche
the thigh = la cuisse
the bottom/ the backside = le postérieur
the buttocks = les fesses
the leg = la jambe
the knee = le genou
the ankle = la cheville
the calf = le mollet
the foot = le pied
the sole = la plante du pied
the heel = le talon
a toe = un orteil
she's broken her hip = elle s'est cassé le col du fémur
I've twisted my ankle = je me suis tordue la cheville