Advent 2 (Luke 3 and Malachi)#3

Jesus is going to return

X as a helpless baby

mighty king

who will judge the world

all flesh shall see his glory

the Good news

Jesus did it all

If you have claimed his sacrifice for yourself

What will it be like?

John says

Threshing floor winnowing fork

so we need to get straight with god before ...

Malachi refiners fire/ fullers soap

the bad news is that no amount of cleaning or refining will make us straight enough to meet J

If you have recognised that J died for you

You are as refined as pure silver, as clean as scrubbed wool

The winnowing fork is not in the pile yet

Just sit and wait? No - still things for us to do to prepare - to get things straight

bring on the bulldozers

sort out relationships

Good news isn't just for us - but for all creation

continue to grow, by understanding how much god loves you

tell others

There's still some time

Let's prepare a way