Last Christmas Moments List (Replica)

  1. Greeting Scene:
  1. Opening Scene:
  1. Playtime (BackGarden)
  1. Prepartation (Kitchen)

Jamie pulling up to people's houses

Cam arrives via his mum's car holding present bags. (Shot through frosted window with Christmas tree in frame)

Jamie getting in the car and starting the song

When we arrive back to Jamie's wheel shot

Potential green screen for duplicated self

Establishing shot of Jamie's house

Tinsel scene

Fire Wood

Setting up the Table

Everyone's running awol

Jamie's standing near the bar watching over everyone (Replicate shot)

Everyone scraping (When Cameron gets hit sardukar chant plays)

  1. Meal

Party Popper


  1. Chilling

Fade ins and outs of Cameron and Eavie, including switch
Dad chant

Fade ins and out of two characters while cutting back to the chilling scene with us in different outfits, (Murder?)

  1. Romantic Scene

Chase scene on Worden Park (In the park near the tennis court)

Sitting in the living room we have a cozy scene with switch in the distant

  1. Going Home

Reverse of greeting scene

Take the photo

People progressively leave over time by fading out

  1. After credit scene

Little shootout