Allows us to learn new ways and "calls into question prevailing ideology and taken-for-granted truths (Lather, 2006; McLaren, 2009). Those who operate from a critical epistemology, according to Crotty (1998), ‘…find themselves interrogating commonly held values and assumptions, challenging conventional social structures, and engaging in social action’ (p. 157). In essence, critical theorists start from the premise that people are ‘essentially unfree and inhabit a world rife with contradictions and asymmetries of power and privilege’ (McLaren, 2009, p. 61). (GREEN)
allows us to discover intersectional lens
o understanding how we all carry multiple, albeit constructed and provisional, identities. (
o movements informed by intersectionality remain flexible and forward-looking, continuing to listen for and to the voicing of new or previously hidden inequities not addressed in social justice movements. In this way, intersectional theory and practice is “a work in progress,” as Crenshaw and others have argued. (AAUP website)