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El ciberespacio, Los Valores Tradicionales y Modernos - Coggle Diagram
El ciberespacio
comparatives + superlatives (ser and estar)
Comparatives are exressed by one of the following:
mas/menos + adjective + que
mas/menos + adverb + que
mas/menos + noun + que
if followed by a number, use
rather than
que (mad de mil personal)
. In negative sentences,
is used even with numbers, to convey the meaning 'only' (
non mas que cinco)
To compare things of equal characteristics;
+ adjective/adverb +
To form comparisons of equality with nouns:
+ noun +
The following adjectives are irrgular:
mejor, peor, mayor, meor
the superlative construction is similar to the comparative:
the definite article + noun +
+ adjective +
ser and estar
On its own, ser describes identity or existence.
Ser is also used:
with a pronoun or noun
with adjectives of nationality
with an infinitive
with a clause
to talk about where an event takes place
with a past participle or form a passive
with an adjective that describes an unchanging attribute or abstract idea
On its own, estar denotes location or presence
Estar is also used:
to describe a position
with a past participle to describe a state which is the result of an action
with a present participle to form the continous tense
with an adjective to describe a state which migh change
with bein/mal
expressions giving pros and cons
positive & negative effects of smartphones
el alcance de - the reach of
chantejear - to blackmail
el chivato - a snitch
el delito - crime
la fomracion - training
el/la portavoz - spokesperson
una herramienta de comunicacion - a communication tool
hacer llamadas (en caso de emergencia) - make calls incase of emergency
acceder a Internet - access the internet
incapaces de establecer un ddialogo con otros individuos cara a cara - unable to establish a face to face dialogue with other individuals
un groupo vulnerable - a vaunrable group
provoar ciertos trastornos mentales - cause certain mental disorders
comunicarse por medios virtuales - communicate by virtual means
lo beno/malo es (que)...lo
positivo/negativo es (que)...por un lado...por otro lado... por una parte...por otra ventaja/desventaja es... lo conveniente/inconveniente es(que)...sin embargo/en cambio
present & present continues
to form the present indicative, add the following ending to the stem of the infinitive (remove the -ar,-er,-ir)
-ar verbs: -o, -as, -a, -amos, -ais,-an
-er verbs: -o, -es, -e, -emos, -eis,-en
-it verbs: -o, -es, -e, -imos, -is, -en
some verbs have a spelling change in the stem of the verb:
preferir --> prefiero, volver --> vuelvo, pedir --> pido
some verbs insert g into the stem of the first person:
tener --> tengo, poner --> pongo, salir --> salgo
the present continues is the Spanish equivalent of the English form 'I am/you are, etc... -ing'
To form it, use the appropriate form of the verb
with the gerund
The gerund is formed as follows:
-ar verbs --> ando
-er/-ir verbs --> iendo
estoy cantando - I am singing
dormir --> duermo
leer --? leyendo
A significant difference between these two tenses is that we use the simple present tense for things that are permanent or are generally the case, and the present continuous tense for things that may change or are temporary
summary based on a listening extract
positive + negative influence of the internet
acosar -
la amenaza/amenazar - the threat
anonimo/a - annonimous
bloquear - to block
el contenido inapropiado - innapropriate content
la cuenta bancaria - the bank account
los datos personales - personal details
enganar - to be unfaithful to
el extrano - the stranger
instalar/poner filtros - install or put on filters
vigilar - to watch
recibir/mandar/revisar correo electronico - recieve/send/go through emails
leer las noticias - read the news
navegar por la red para buscar informacion - surf the net to search for infomation
ayudar con los deberes/los estudios - help with homework/ studies
escribir un blog (un diario personal) - to write a blog (a personal diary)
colgar/subir fotos - hang/upload photos
comparar precios - compare prices
comprar entradas de cine/teatro/conciertos - to buy cinema/theatre/concert tickets
chatear con amigos en paises extranjeros - to talk to friends in other countries
acercar a la gente - bring people closer
acabar con - to put an end to
la alcaldia - mayors office
combatir - to fight
comprar - to buy
cualquier - any
descargar - to download
el sitio - place/ site
future and conditional
idiomatic expressions with impersonal verbs
the type of influence social networks have on society
aumentar - to increase
debido a - due to
entender - to understand
tener una cuenta - to have an account
el entorno - environement
la estafa - scam, fraud
relucir - to shine
invadir - to invade
publicar - to post
la ruptura - break up
tener cuidado - to be careful
el traje - outfit
Los Valores Tradicionales y Modernos
Los Cambios en la Familia Vocab
adecuado/a= suitable
apetecer= to feel like doing
aumentar= to increase
asumir= to assume
el bienestar= wellbeing
brindar= to offer
complacer= to please
cobrar= to take on
cuidar= to look after
cuyo= whose
el derecho= the right
difrutar= to enjoy
la docilidad= submissiveness
la emancipacion= independence
el embarazo= pregnancy
el enfasis= emphasis
enseñar= to show
escoger= to choose
el esfuerzo= effort
familiar= family
el fallecimiento= death
la hembra= female
el hogar= home
impecable= impeccable
imprescindible= essential
incluso= even
la incorporacion= involvement
a largo plazo= in the long term
en liston= ribbon
lucir= to glow
mantener= to keep
negar= to deny
el nido= nest
un paso hacia atras= a backwards step
el plumero= feather duster
el puñado= handful
la recompensa= reward
quejarse= to complain
reluciente= shining
el siglo= century
soler= to usually
subordinar= to subordinate
la sumision= submissiveness
tardio= late
la tarea= task
vigesimo= twentieth
la vivienda= housing
Actitudes Hacia el Matrimonio y el Divorcio Vocab
abarrotar= to pack
agradecer= to thank
de ahora en adelante= from now on
ambos= both
arrojar= to throw
el auge= rise
la buena voluntad= goodwill
la butaca= armchair
la caida= fall
la calada= to drag on a cigarette
un camino de rosas= a bed of fowers
el cariño= affection
ceder= to give in
la cifra= number
el compromiso= commitment
el/la consejero/a= counsellor
consensuado/a= consensual
definir= to define
derogar= to abolish
la desaparicion= disappearance
dispararse= to go up
duplicarse= to double
empeorado/a= worsened
en boga= in fashion
encarcelado/a= imprisoned
el encendedor= lighter
la encuesta= survey
enredar= to mess with
entrar en vigor= to become law
la espuma= foam
estabilizarse= to become established
el fenomeno= phenomenon
el fracaso= failure
hinchado/a= swollen
el humo= the smoke
incidir= to stress
el juzgado= court
la meta= goal
la mitad= half
la nimiedad= triviality
el pañuelo= headscarf
por las nubes= through the roof
el precepto= precept
el procedimiento
el psicologo= psychologist
la punzada= jab
el respeto= respect
el reto= challenge
revocar= to revoke
rozar= to come close to
sin ambegas= bluntly
soñar= to dream
sospechar= to suspect
un tercio= to suspect
un tercio= a third
el/la testigo/a= witness
transcurrir= to relapse
la verguenza= shame
La Influencia de la Iglesia Catolica
aclarar= to make clear
el bautismo= baptism
bautizar= to baptise
bendecir= to bless
el brillo= shine
controvertido/a= controversial
la corona= crown
cumplir= to fulfil
la desafeccion= disaffection
el desarrollo= development
disponer de= to have at one's disposal
el Domingo de Ramos= Palm Sunday
dominical= relating to sunday
encabezado= headed (by)
enseguida= straight away
fallecer= to die
inconcebiblemente= inconceivable
indigena= native
llevar a cabo= to carry out
madrileño/a= from Madrid
menguar= to reduce
medida= the measure
monje= monk
Papa= the Pope
pisar= to tread on
predecir= to predict
regalar= to give something (as a gift)
rescatar= to rescue
secularizarse= to become secular
suplantar= to take the place of
el vinculo= link
la vivencia= (living) experience