Unnever et al. 2014: 7 likest-scale items derived from Grasmick & McGill (1994) and based on prior research (Cochran)
on 4-point response scale (1: strongly disagree, 4: strongly agree)
3 items measured dispositional attribution style: “most offenders commit crimes because they have little or no self-control”; “most offenders commit crimes because they have bad characters”; “most offenders commit crimes because they are too lazy to find a lawful way out of a bad situation”
4 items measured situational attribution style: “most offenders commit crimes because our society offers them little opportunity to get a job and make money”; “most offenders commit crimes because of outside influences (e.g., peer pressure, money problems, etc.)”; “most offenders commit crimes as a way of coping with poor living conditions (e.g., extreme poverty, violence in the home, marital problems, etc.)”; and “most offenders commit crimes because their home lives as children were lacking in love, discipline, and supervision”