Psychodynamic approach

Key assumptions

The unconscious forces in our mind determine our thoughts feelings and behaviour.

Our behaviour as adults is strongly influenced by our early childhood experiences

Abnormal behaviour is the result of mental conflict

The iceberg analogy describes our three levels of consciousness.

Above the surface we have our conscious

Below we have preconscious which is recent experiences- it is stored information which is capable of being made conscious

We then have our unconscious- this is instincts, fears, paranoias etc. This is the inaccessible storehouse of repressed drives and insti a which have a distinct influence on our persona.

Freud suggested there are 3 interacting elements of personality.

The main psychologist is Sigmund Freud- he considered that some part of the mind is inaccessible (superego/unconscious)

ID: This is instincts, the pleasure principle, formed 18 months, focuses on self, irrational and emotional, it drives us to satisfy biological needs as the aim is gratification.

EGO: This is reality, it balances the demands of ID and SUPEREGO, develops between 18 months to 3 years, conscious part of the mind, the use of defence mechanisms and the planning part.

SUPEREGO: This is morality, the sense of right and wrong, developed 3-6 years , social values and standards of same sex parents, punishes ego through guilt, unconscious.

Defence mechanisms- the ego uses these to prevent us from being overwhelmed e.g. repression, denial, displacement.

Negative evaluations: However it is unscientific and can be said to be culture biased.

Psychosexual stages: if stuck in any of these 5 stages behaviour will continue to adulthood.

Oral: 0-18 months. Erogenous zone=mouth/pleasure centre. Satisfaction can be found from feeding biting and sucking breast, if stuck in this stage habits such as smoking, biting nails, sarcasm and being critical can be inhibited. OLD

Anal: 18 months-3.5 years. Erogenous zone=anus. Satisfaction can be found from withholding and expelling faeces. Adulthood habits can include (retentive) perfectionist, obsessive. (Expulsive) messy, thoughtless. Child needs to be potty trained.AGE

Latency:6 years-puberty. repressed sexual urges. LOVE

Genital: puberty onwards. sexual urges awakened. Erogenous zone is genitals, if not resolved can cause difficulty forming heterosexual behaviours. GUINNESS


  • Both nature and nurture (more nature)
  • determinism as a persons behaviour is determined by their unconscious.
  • Idiographic
  • reductionist.

Positive evaluations: Freuds work is highly influential as it is the stepping stone for many other approaches, it helps us analyse the unconscious’ ways. It also has research to support the efficacy of psychoanalysis.

During the phallic stage the Oedipus complex is when little boys develop sexual desires towards the mother and hate towards the father. The Electra complex is when the daughter has penis envy.

Phallic:3.5-6 years. Erogenous zone=genitals. Having unconscious sexual desires, either the Oedipus or Electra complex. if not resolved adult is narcissistic, reckless, problem sex, sexual identity.PENSIONERS