Ariana Hernandez  P.7                               The Nervouse system

Major Functions of the Nervous system

Major divisions and subdivisions of the nervous system (include all subdivisions of CNS
and PNS)

The PNS: made up of cranial and spinal nerves

Function: Interogation of information of decision making.

Function:Sensory to the motor

Cranial nervous system: made up of brain and spinal cord.

Functions: movements,thinking, and internal process of phisiology.

Tissues (structure & function of neurons and neuroglia)

Neuroglia: The cells that support neurons and its function is to stucturally support , insulate neurons, and fill in spaces it need to.

Neurons: cells that communicate with the electrical impulses and with other neurons or tissues

Classification of neurons

The structural classifications are the multipolar, unipolar, and bipolar neurons.

The functional classification are the sensory neurons, motor neurons, and the interneurons.

Connective Tissue Coverings

Epineurim: The outer cover of the nerve.

Perinurim: covers around the facials

Endoneurim: covers around the individual nerve fibers

Reflex arc (major parts & functions)

Major parts: is the receptor. Function: senses the specific type of external or internal change.

Spinal nerves

There are a total of 31 pairs of spinal nerves There are 8 cervical nerves. there are 5 sacral nerves. 1 coccygeol nerve,12 thoracic nerves and there are 5 lumbar nerves.

Neurotransmitters= Chemical messengers in a synapse and they transport an electrical impulse from a neuron.

Compare & contrast the autonomic nervous system

The autonomic nervous system contolls only the involuntary effectors which technically is the cardiac, smooth muscles and glands.

Cranial nerves: In total there are 12 pairs of cranial nerves

Olfactory: Its function is to conduct the sense of smell

Optic nerve:: sense of vision. Then the Oculomotor : raises eyelids, move eyes, and adjusment on light entering the eyes. The Trochlear function is to move eyes and condition of muscles. The mandibular's function is to impulse from the skin of jaw, lower teeth, bottom lip,and lower gum, Lastly, the Ophthaimic's function is to impulse the eyes, tear glands, scalp, upper lip, and forehead,