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Nervous System Linh Le Period 1 - Coggle Diagram
Nervous System Linh Le Period 1
Major functions of the nervous system:
It is the communication system of the body, using electrical and chemical signals.
Integration: the processing and interpreting of sensory input
Motor Output: triggering of the effector organs which produce a response to the sensory input
Sensory Input: information gathered by sensory receptors about internal/external changes
Action potential & the Nerve Impulse:
Resting Membrane Potential: -70 mV
Sodium-potassium pump (Na+ & K+) stabilizes resting membrane potential- maintaining concentration gradient
Graded potentials: short distance
Action Potential:
Resting state: gated Na+ and K+ channels are closed
Depolarization: Na+ channels open- when Na+ rushes in more gates open; results in spike in action potential
Repolarization: Na+ channels inactivate and declines to resting state, K+ channels open,
Hyperpolarization: Some K+ channels reopen, Na+ channels reset- inside of membrane becomes more negative
Refractory period: time after action potential where neuron cannot trigger another one
Conduction Velocity: AP occurs only in axon
Continuous conduction: slow conduction in unmyelinated axons
Saltatory conduction: only occurs in myelinated axons and is 30x faster
Alcohol: makes GABA receptors more inhibitory; causes person to have memory loss and impulsive
Marijuana: mimics anandamine; person will feel relaxed and calm
Methamphetamine: mimics dopamine; causes person to feel intense pleasure
LSD: mimics serotonin; causes person react very spontaneously to stimulus
Cocaine: blocks dopamine transporters; causes person to be fidgety
Ecstasy: mimics serotonin; person will feel calmed but quickly addicted
Heroin: mimics body's opioid; causes person to feel sedated
Major parts and functions of the spinal cord:
The spinal cord provides a two-way communication from brain to body and is the major reflex center
Structure of the Spinal Cord:
Ventral median fissure
Dorsal median fissure
Gray matter
Dorsal horns: interneurons receive sensory input
Ventral horns: some interneurons; somatic motor neurons
Lateral horns: sympathettic neurons
Grey commissure: bridge of grey matter connecting both halves
Ventral roots: bundle of motor neuron axons
Dorsal roots: sensory input to cord
Major parts and functions of the brain:
Cerebral Hemispheres:
Left- controls language, math & logic
Right- controls visual-spatial skills, intuition, emotion & creativity
Parietal lobe: controls sensory perception and integration of the five senses (sight, smell, touch, taste, sound)
Occipital lobe: the visual cortex
Frontal lobe: controls voluntary movement and higher mental functions such as memory, consciousness, thinking, language, problem-solving, etc
Temporal lobe: the auditory cortex
Thalamus: relay station for sensory input
Hypothalamus: main visceral control & regulating center vital to homeostasis
Epithalamus: contains pineal gland that secretes hormone melatonin
Brainstem: controls automatic functions necessary for survival
Midbrain: between diencephalon & pons
Pons: between midbrain & medulla
Medulla oblongata: lowest part of brainstem; regulates respiratory & cardiovascular centers
Sulci & Fissures (grooves):
Transverse cerebral fissure: separates cerebrum & cerebellum
Central sulcus: separates precentral & postcentral gyri in parietal lobe (located in middle of cerebrum)
Longitudinal fissure: separates hemispheres
Parieto-occipital sulcus: separates occipital & parietal lobes
Lateral sulcus: outlines temporal lobes
Primary motor cortex: voluntary movement
Premotor cortex: plans movement
Broca's area: produces speech
Wernicke's area: understands speech
Primary somatosensory cortex: receives general sensory input
Somatosensory association cortex: integrates sensory input for understanding
Multimodal association areas; give meaning to info, store into memory, & associate with previous experiences
Cerebellum: processes info from cerebrum, brainstem & sensory receptors to coordinate skeletal muscles; balance and coordination
Reticular formation: maintains cerebral cortical alertness; filters out repetitive stimuli; helps regulate skeletal and visceral muscle activity
Limbic system: the affective brain; regulates emotions which output is relayed by hypothalamus
Meninges: protective membranes that separate the brain and the skull
Dura mater: the toughest and outermost covering
Arachnoid mater: web-like membrane between dura and pia
Pia mater: thin delicate membrane that is deepest of meninges
Ventricles: cerebrospinal fluid filled spaces in the brain
Lateral ventricles: C-shaped chambers located in each hempisphere
3rd ventricle: connected to lateral ventricles
4th ventricle: connected to 3rd ventricle by cerebral aqueduct
Connective Tissue Coverings:
Epineurium: Outermost covering of a nerve
Perineurium: Sheaths nerve fasicles
Endoneurium: Encloses individual nerve fibers
Neurotransmitters: the language of the nervous system
Amino acids: make up all protein
Acetylcholine: allows for muscle contraction
Endorphins: natural opiates; pain relief
Compare & contrast the autonomic nervous system:
long preganglionic and short postganglionic fibers
few branches on axons
located in visceral effectors
short preganglionic and long postganglionic fibers
highly branched axons
located near spinal cord
Reflex arc (major parts & functions):
A rapid involuntary motor response to stimulus which
Sensory neuron: transmits afferent impulses -> CNS
Integration center: either monosynaptic or polysynaptic region
Receptor: site of stimulus action
Motor neuron: conducts efferent impulses from integration center -> effector organ
Effector: muscle fiber/gland cell that responds to efferent impulses by contracting/secreting
Tissues (structure & function of neurons and neuroglia):
White matter: myelinated tissue that communicates between cortex, lower CNS, & cerebral areas
Grey matter: nonmyelinated
Neuron: excitable cells that transmit electrical signals
Soma: neural cell body containing nucleus
Dendrites: short, tapering branched that convey messages to cell body (receives)
Axon: nerve fiber; generates nerve impulses to excite neurons it contacts
Myelin sheath: fatty tissue that insulates axon and speeds up nerve impulse
Neuroglia: cells that protect and maintain neurons
Astrocytes: most abundant and versatile; supports neurons
Microglial cells: migrate to injured neurons
Ependymial cells: line central cavities of cerebrospinal column
Oligodendrites: cells that wrap nerve fibers, forms myelin sheaths
Satellite cells: surround neuron cell bodies in PNS
Schwann cells: form myelin sheath in PNS
Major divisions and subdivisions of the nervous system:
Central Nervous System: the brain & spinal cord
Peripheral Nervous System: nerves connecting the CNS to environment
Somatic: the body's movement system (voluntary control)
Autonomic: responsible for regulating body's processes (nonvoluntary)
Sympathetic Nervous System: creates a response to adjust the body to the environment ("fight or flight")
Parasympathetic Nervous System: conserves the body's energy after emergency response occurs ("rest and digest")
Disorders associated with Nervous System:
Alzheimer's: results in dementia; brain shrinks causing memory loss, hallucinations, disorientation
Parkinson's: degeneration of dopamine causing tremors at rest
Huntington's: influx of protein causes mental deterioration
Amytrophic lateral sclerosis: destruction of ventral horn roots, resulting in loss of ability to speak, breathe, swallow
Cranial nerves:
V: Trigeminal Nerve
sensory impulses from various areas of face, motor fiber for mastication (chewing)
VI: Abducens
primary motor nerve innervating lateral rectus muscle (eyeball)
IV: Trochlear
innervates superior oblique; primary motor nerve that directs eyeball
VII: Facial Nerve
chief motor nerves of face for facial expression, parasympathetic impulses to lacrimal and salivary glands; sensory function (taste)
III: Oculomotor
raise eye lids, pupillary constriction, change lens shape
VIII: Vestibulocochlear
hearing and balance; auditory nerve, purely sensory
IX: Vestibulocochlear
motor- depress tongue, and pharynx for swallowing
sensory- conduct taste, general sensory impulses from pharynx
II: Optic
vision, purely sensory
X: Vagus Nerve
motor- regulate activities of heart, lungs and abdominal viscera
sensory- carry impulse from thoracic & abdominal viscera, baroreceptors, chemoreceptors and taste buds of tongue and pharynx
I: Olfactory
smell, purely sensory
XI: Accessory Nerve
innervates trapezius and sternocleidomastoid
XII: Hypooglossal Nerve
innervate extrinsic and intrinsic muscles of tongue (swallowing & speech)
Spinal nerves (31 pairs): formed by fusion of dorsal and ventral roots
8 pairs of cervical nerve (C1-C8)
12 pairs of thoracic nerves (T1-T12)
5 pairs of lumbar nerves (L1-L5)
5 pairs of sacral nerves (S1-S5)
1 pair of tiny coccygeal (C0)
Classification of neurons:
Bipolar: two processes (1 axon 1 dendrite)
Unipolar: one T-like process (2 axons)
Multipolar: three or more processes
Sensory: transmit impulses from sensory receptors to CNS
Motor: carry impulses from CNS to effectors
Interneurons: between sensory & motor neurons & shuttles signals through CNS pathways