6 months before coming to the hospital Symptoms were shortness of breath, fatigue, loss of appetite, CT chest wu mass at RUL uaz RLL una 3.7x3.8x4.4 cm, 3.7x3.3x3.0 cm las cervical lymph node invasion. Received chemotherapy 3 months before hospitalization. Shortness of breath and increased fatigue, was admitted to the hospital. Blood test found hct 24% received PRC 2 units and performed chest-xay, pleural effusion was found. The doctor performed a puncture to drain the pleura. The doctor referred to the QCU unit. When the symptoms subsided, the doctor allowed him to go home and use oxygen at the doctor's house. admit in the QCU department 1 day before coming to the hospital, there was shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, general pain in the chest area.