強迫意念及/或強迫行為,強迫意念定義:1.重複、闖入、持續、不想要的想法、意象或慾望2.個人試圖去忽視、潛抑或抵消這些想法、意象或慾望。強迫行為定義:1.重複的行為或想法,個人會覺得不得不做,以防止發生苦惱或悲慘事件2.此人會覺得受到驅使去做這些重複行為或想法是對強迫意念的反應,或是依據僵化的規則3.這些行動是過度或不可能防治這個悲慘情境的。這些強迫意念或強迫行為是浪費時間的(例如:每日需要至少一小時),或造成臨床上顯著的苦惱或功能減損。Compulsive thoughts and/or compulsive behaviors, definitions of compulsive thoughts: 1. Repetitive, intrusive, continuous, unwanted thoughts, images or desires 2. Individuals try to ignore, subdued or offset these thoughts, images or desires. Definition of compulsive behavior: 1. Repetitive behaviors or thoughts that the individual will feel compelled to do to prevent distress or tragic events. 2. The person will feel driven to do these repeated behaviors or thoughts as a response to compulsive thoughts, or According to rigid rule 3. These actions are excessive or impossible to prevent this tragic situation. These obsessive thoughts or compulsive behaviors are time-consuming (for example: at least one hour a day), or cause clinically significant distress or functional impairment.