types of forests
tropical evergreen
rainfall upto 200mm or above
height upto 60 meters or above
vegetation like trees, shrubs, and creepers
important trees- ebony, mahagony, rosewood, rubber and cinchona
tropical deciduous
availability of water -dry and moistdeciduous
eastern part
monsoon forests- 200mm -100mm
western part
dry deci- 100mm-70mm rain
teak main plant
thorn forests and scrubs
northwestern part semi arid -gujrat rajasthan madhya pradesh
less than 70mm of rainfall
animals like rats camels etc
cacti, palms ect
deltas of ganga krishna kaveri are covered by this vegetation
trees like palm coconut etc grow in some parts of delta
royal bengal tiger is the famous animal in these forests
turtles,crocodiles etc are also found