God's Part and Our Part
God is the owner of everything
God owns all our possessions
Scripture specifies some things God owns
Precious metals
Because God owns all our possessions, we must give up any claim to ownership.
Because God owns all our possessions, we must treat them as though they are God's
Contentment- Recognize God's ownership of your things
Use correct pronouns to recognize God's ownership
Ask God to make you aware of His ownership
Meditate on 1 Chronicles 21:11-12
Acknowledge God's ownership when you buy something
God is in control of everything
Why does God allow "difficult" circumstances?
God develops our character
God disciplines His children
God accomplishes his intentions
What does the Bible say about God?
He is the Lord of the nations
He is the Lord of the individual
He is the Lord of our universe
Stewarding responsibilities
Faithful in everything
Faithful with what we are given
Stewarding rewards
Character development
Financial house set in order
Better fellowship with Christ
Principles of faithfulness
God will remove us as stewards if we are bad stewards
Character developed by faithfulness in the little things
Faithfulness is important with the possessions of another