Uses Similes, Juxtaposition, and Personification to compare and convey concepts. For example in Sci-Fi, Tracy K Smith wrote, "History, with it's hard-spine and dog-eared corners, will be replaced with nuance. Just like the dinosaurs gave way, to mounds and mounds of ice." In these two couplets, Smith is comparing two concepts, evolution/life (in the past), to dinosaurs with nuance to provide the reader with a distinction between 2 reality's, an old and a new. Personification is also used when Wheatley describes history with human characteristics. Lastly, Juxtaposition is presented in her use of contrasting words. Smith describes our reality now with words like "edges", "corners", and "hard-spined", however our newer/future reality is described with words like "clean lines", "forward", and "nuance".
Tracy K Smith has a variety of different poems, with and without emotion, for example, "Sci-Fi" is a more formal poem, whereas; "Mothership" displays slight emotion.