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Eksamen 5 kapittler, Fungi patologi - Coggle Diagram
Eksamen 5 kapittler
Dental caries
Tooth Structure and Development 252
Caries is a biofilm and di etdependent dis ease
mal nu tri tion, and poor di e tary habits, lack of prevention,
Early childhood car ies (ECC)
Sparse genetic, but still
have to be considered
as family desease
Teeth structure
amelo genesis;
se cre tive, min er al iz ing,
or re sorp tive mor phol ogy.
Mineralising steps governed by amelogenin and enamelin(2):
- an ini tial se cre tion of a pro tein ma trix,
- min er al i za tion
- prism formation and amelogenin loss
*as par tic and glu tamic acid resi dues
- More bone realted
- Originate from mesoderm
- Arise from OB secretion
- Contains ca 20% type I collagen
- Permeability and compressibility
- rise pain and the rate of tooth decay
- From mesoderm
- Similar to dentin
- thin and softer
- more acidsoluble
- Inferior to enamel
Sites of Carious Lesions 253
a. Coronal Caries 253
supragingival caries require spe cialized colonization mech a nisms, while pits and fissure or erupting teeth carries don't
Pit and fissure carries
- runs along enamel rods perpendicular to
the dentine
- Front is named zone of ac iddemineralized dentin
Rampat caries
- caries assosiated with predisposing factors
ex sucrose rich or hyposalivation
Secondary caries
- occurs around pre vi ously re stored sites
Diet and Dental Caries 254
Cariogenic Dental Biofilm Formation 257
Adhesion to acquired enamel pellicle: convering to glucanrich matrix
- host molecules de : pro linerich pro teins, statherin, his ti dinerich pro teins, mu cins, am y lase (in ac tive form), ly so zyme, lactoperoxidase, and se cre tory IgA (SIgA).
- com bi na tion of phys i cal and adhesinpellicle re cep tor mech a nisms
- Microbal contribution: acid i fi ca tion or in duc ing po ly sac cha ride pro duc tion, reduced divercity(competition)
- Promote de min er al iza tion
Glucan rich matrix
- The virulence factor
- Fasilitate adhesion and cohesion
- Contributes to diffusion limiting
- Facilitates acidic micro environments
- provide struc ture to the biofilm,
- provides bind ing sites,
- pro tects mi cro or gan isms
Organisms in cariogenic biofilm:
- ac ti no my ces, lac to ba cilli, bifidobacteria,
Scardovia,Candida albicans
Biochemical Composition of the Cariogenic Biofilm 258
con certed ac tions of Gtf and Ftf en zymes
- n de pen dently of cellu lar source of en ergy
- in crease the cariogenic ity of the biofilm
Presence of inorganic ions
- dis so lu tion (or not) of the min eral part of the teeth.
- com po nents of the tooth min eral are most relevant
- bacteria bind cal cium ions via being negatively charged
- biofilm is the cite of pre cip i ta tion of cal cium phos phates
- Sucrose reduce inorganic ions by making + extracellular polysacc
especcially of calcium, phosphate and fluoride
Physicochemical Phenomena in Dental Biofilm 260
Loss of enamel/dentine
- Hydroxyappatite is higly insoluble unless
in acidic enviroment
- Saliva is hypersaturated and make teeth gane minerals, but dillutes with drop in pH
- 1 h af ter the con sump tion of a fer ment able car bo hy drate, the fluid of the biofilm has acidic pH val ues
- differ not only in com po si tion also in the crys tal line struc ture size of the crys tals: dentine stays for lon ger pe ri ods of time be low the crit i cal val ues for den tin
Caries Prevention Using Fluoride 261
- fluorapatite [Ca 10 (PO 4 ) 6 F 2 ]
- Fluor reduce crit i cal pH for net min eral loss,
1 ph below normal (5.5>4.5)
- fluo ride gels or var nishes contains high 10,000
ppm fluo ride)
- lim ited ef fects against sugar me tab o lism and biofilm for ma tion at
- spe ciesspecific an ti mi cro bial pep tides er alternative terapi
Experimental Caries Models 262
The Cariogenic Biofilm: Mutans Group Streptococciand Dietary Sugars 271
S. mutans
- S. mutans only use su crose and not mo no meric sug ars.
- Adhesive and cohesive biofilm formation:
Metabolism steps: sucrose -> in sol u ble glu cose po ly mers (glu cans) -> EPS matrix formation bio flms
- ef f ciently trans port and me tab o lize a large num ber of differ ent sug ars into acids.
- can sur vive at acidic pH by having acid tol er ance re sponse (ATR),
- The main source of Gtfs which form exopolysaccarides
- mul ti ple twocomponent sig nal trans duc tion sys tems t help to respond quickly
- produce lac tic, for mic, and ace tic acids
Polymicrobial Interactions and Cariogenicity 279
Future Directions and Perspectives 283
ac cu mu la tion of path o gens mod u late the eco log i cal changes in the lo cal microbiota
- Environmental changes increase the virulence
- Tooth pelicle: covered with al i vary gly co pro teins and bac te rial exo en zymes and po ly sac cha rides
- Pelikkelfile bakterier(S. mitis/Actinomyces): have hy dro pho bic or elec tro static spe cifc ad he sinreceptor in ter ac tions
Interactions host-bact: bal ance be tween com men sals and path o gens can be dis rupted by the host di
Role of non- Mutans bacteria
- lactate utilizing bacteries:Veillonella is not acid-tollerent but can survive unlike others and competing against them by se cret ing in hib i tory amounts of hy dro gen per ox ide (H 2 O 2 ) (in case of Streptococci) or generating alkali for neutralisation
- S. mutans ap pears to work syn er gis ti cally with other aciduric spe cies such as lac to ba cilli
- oral lac to ba cilli have low bind ing af fn ity to tooth sur faces and rather bind to retentive increased cre ated by ac idmediated de min er al iza tio cites prepared bu Streptococci, or the naturak teeth anatomy
- al kaligenerating bacte ria as Actinomyces spp. have been as so ci ated with root caries, but are benificial as al kaligenerating bacte ria
- Candida albicans can de velop a syn er gis tic in ter ac tion with S. mutans
Virulence factors modulating cariogenic biofilm:
- Abscense of buff er ing sa liva, formation of the EPSrich ma trix and acid i f ca tion of the milieu and pathogens’ ability to sur vive
- Requirements for bacteria are to ad here to teeth, form a ma trix, pro duce acid, and sur vive in the sub se quent lowpH
Fungi patologi
Conditions/ treatment
soft pal ate, oro phar ynx, tongue, buc cal mu cosa, and gin giva (gum
pal a tal mu cosa, maxil lary den tures
Smears, Cultures, not Biopsy
Risk group
in fants, the el derly, and the ter mi nally, un der ly ing se ri ous med i cal con di tion
hy phae, des qua mated ep i the lial cells, fi brin, ker a tin, ne crotic de bris, and bac te ria
mixed in flam ma tory cell in fil trate,
gi ant cells + fun gal hy phae.