In the majority of cases, a state-space tree for a backtracking algorithm is constructed in the manner of depth-first search. If the current node is promising, its child is generated by adding the first remaining legitimate option for the next component of a solution, and the processing moves to this child. If the current node turns out to be nonpromising, the algorithm backtracks to the node’s parent to consider the next possible option for its last component; if there is no such option, it backtracks one more level up the tree, and so on. Finally, if the algorithm reaches a complete solution to the problem, it either stops (if just one solution is required) or continues searching for other possible solutions.
N-Queens Problem
The problem is to place n queens on an n × n chessboard so that no two queens attack each other by being in the same row or in the same column or on the same diagonal.
Subset Sum Problem
Find a subset of a given set A = {a1,...,an} of n positive integers whose sum is equal to a given positive integer d.