The Digital Story of the Nativity

  1. Wikipedia
  1. Google maps/google

Went to google maps

looked at Nazareth

  1. Messager

Gabriel told Mary shes going to have a baby.

  1. she searched up about the holy spirit
  1. Gmail

Told Joesph they need to talk.

  1. Foursquare
  1. Google maps

looked at Bethlahem & orded a donkey

Orded a stable

  1. Gmail
  1. Amazon
  1. Gmail
  1. Twitter

told Joesph the baby is here

showed a photo of Jesus

posted Jesus & got a lot of likes

After the 3 wise men joined to meet the baby they asked what there getting it

created a event for people to meet the baby

orded the baby a gift

  1. Youtube

Uploded a video of meeting the baby