A Rose for Emily

Emily's birth

"Up to the day of her death at seventy-four..." Page 1073

Single at 30

Emily's dad dies

Meets Homer

Rat Poison

Homer Dies

Bad Smell Around House

Taxes Remitted by Col. Sartoris

China Painting Lessons

Col. Sartoris Dies

Authorities Collecting Taxes

Emily Dies

Homer's Body is Found














"And as soon as the old people said, "Poor Emily," the whispering began... She was over thirty then... "
Page 1071

"When her father died, it got about that the house was all that was left to her; and in a way, people were glad... Just as they were about to resort to law and force, she broke down, and they buried her father quickly."
Page 1070

"When she had first begun to be seen with Homer Barron, we had said, "She will marry him." ... they passed on Sunday afternoon in the glittering buggy, Miss Emily with her head high and Homer Barron with his hat cocked and a cigar in his teeth, reins and whip in a yellow glove. "
Page 1072

" "I want some poison," she said to the druggist... When she opened the package at home there was written on the box, under the skull and bones: "For rats." "
Page 1071-1072

"What was left of him, rotted beneath what was left of the nightshirt, had become inextricable from the bed in which he lay; and upon him and upon the pillow beside him lay that even coating of the patient and biding dust."
Page 1074

" ..."will you accuse a lady to her face of smelling bad?"... They broke open the cellar door and sprinkled lime there, and in all the outbuildings."
Page 1069

"...dating from that day in 1894 when Colonel Sartoris, the mayor... remitted her taxes..."
Page 1068

"...which no visitor had passed since she ceased giving china-painting lessons eight or ten years earlier."
Page 1068

" "See, Colonel Sartoris. I have no taxes in Jefferson." "But, Miss Emily--" "See Colonel Sartoris." (Colonel Sartoris had been dead almost ten years.)"
Page 1069

"Her voice was dry and cold. "I have no taxes in Jefferson. Colonel Sartoris explained it to me. Perhaps one of you gain access to the city records and satisfy yourselves." "But we have. We are city authorities, Miss Emily." "
Page 1068

"She died in one of the downstairs rooms, in a heavy walnut bed with a curtain, her gray head propped on a pillow yellow and moldy with age and lack of sunlight." Page 1073

"For a long while we just stood there, looking down at the profound and fleshless grin. The body had apparently once lain in the attitude of an embrace, but now the long sleep that outlasts love, that conquers even the grimace of love, had cuckolded him."
Page 1074

Continued Below!