representation of different ethinicities in media

asian representation

6 percent of the total US population is made up with asian americans


childrens tv

in film

top grossing films are only made up with 5% asian representation

8 percent of film roles are speaking (have speaking roles)

4 percent Co/Lead in netflix movies

5 percent of roles are protrayed by asian charactes


Co/Lead netflix series 1 percent

"asians are most likely to be represented in sci-fi and drama" common sense media

25 percent of asian women are portrayed in a sexualized manner in film

Media representations often fail to reflect/identify the 5 diversity of ethnic and cultural groups that comprise these broad ethnic-racial labels, and as a result, the unique identities and experiences of these groups may be overlooked.

problem: positive but narrow depictions

stereotype: polite, hardworking, intelligent, and high achieving

black/african america representation

12 percent of the toal Us population is made up with black/african americans




childrens tv

15 percent are portrayed by black/african american characters

17 percent of film roles are speaking

top grossing movies are only made up with 17 percent of black/african americans

18 percent Co/Lead for Netflix

hispanic/latino representation

16 percent of black/african americans have roles in tv

33 percent of black women are portrayed in a sexualized manner in film

hispanic/latino Americans make up 19 percent of total us population


in film


childrens tv

8 percent are portrayed by hispanic/latino american characters

top grossing movies are only made up with 5% of latinos/hispanic americans

5% are speaking roles

6% Co/Lead for Netflix

often depicted as criminals, law enforcement officers, maids, laborers, women are portrayed in a sexualized manner

4% are Co/Lead in Netflix

they are represented as lower class, less intelligent people with an strong accent

middle eastern, arab, muslim representation

they make up 1 - 2 percent of us population



childrens tv


less than 1 percent are portrayed by arab, middle eastern and muslim characters

top grossing films are made up with 1 percent of arab, middle eastern and muslim character

2 percent of film roles are speaking

2 percent Co/Lead in netflix movies

Co/lead netflix series 1 percent

native american representation

stereotypes include terrorist, religious, threat, violent

they make up 1 percent of the total US population




children's tv

0 percent Co/Lead in Netflix tv shows

in less than 1 percent of top grossing movies

less than 1 percent speaking roles

0 percent Co/Lead in Netflix

often depicted as warriers, wise elders, princesses

white representation

white americans make up 62 percent of the total US population


childrens tv

they portray 75 percent of characters


67 percent role in top grossing movies

64 percent of speaking roles

64 percent Co/Lead in Netflix


77 percent of Co/Lead in Netflix