prior to invasion agnets to eng to asses sitch, promise to marry liz, support of charles no great magnate declare for tudor invade 1 aug set off, 7th land at Milford haven in wales knighted 11 followers, at caraigan joined griffiths and morgan, 12 aug thomas with 1800 newport, talbot w 500 men, 20th aug altherstone stanleys give savage and turnstall, 15 aug shrewsbury rich actions issue muster, spent money at ports, strange hotsage, mid-june set up in not., muster troops, 11 aug learnt land but x rush, assumed crushed in wales when tomas turned rushed b of bosworth 22nd aug. 1485 henry 5k 500 eng and 2k french rich 10k, vang under oxford professional french mercanaries, will tudor left flank w 3k men, r men assemble at top of ambien hill, r chose personally charge at tudor bradar killed [flagbearer] and john cheney, french chandees forces crucial in protecting tudor and stanley- rich killed treated shamefully strung naked over horse back, public display naked for 2 days Leicester abbey burried unceremoniously