Hellenistic Culture
Alexandria and the Hellenistic Culture
-Alexandria's Museum included a small observatory where astronomers studied the stars and planets.
-Aristarchus of Samos estimated the sun's size as 300 times bigger than, contrary to popular belief although now changed
-Aristarchus also proposed that the Earth and other planets revolved around the sun
-Ptolemy incorrectly placed the Earth in the center of the solar system, a belief held for 14 centuries.
-Eratosthenes calculated Earth's circumference as 28,000-29,000 miles, close to the modern day calculation of 24,860 miles.
-Euclid, a highly regarded mathematician in Alexandria, wrote a book full of geometric proofs and propositions called the Elements
-Archimedes of Syracuse accurately estimated the value of pi (π), the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter
-Archimedes also explained the law of the lever (a physics concept supported by mathematics)
-Pythagoras work of past mathematical concepts became popularly known as the Pythagorean Theorem
-Archimedes of Syracuse explained the law of the lever
-Archimedes invented the Archimedes screw, device used to raise water from the ground
-Archimedes also invented the compound pulley used to lift up heavy objects
-Plato and Aristotle remained influential but became concerned how people should live
-Stoicism was founded by Zeno proposing the idea that people should live virtuous lives in harmony with the will of God
-Stoicism promoted social unity and focus what they can control and that human desires are dangerous distractions
-Epicurus founded Epicureanism teaching that the God had no interest in humans
-Epicureans proposed main goal is to achieve harmony of the body and mind
Hellenistic culture is Greek culture combined with Egyptian, Persian, and Indian influences. Alexandria became the center of hellenistic culture because it was the place where Eastern and Western culture united to form new ideas, art, sciences, philosophy, and architecture.